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  1. teflondummy

    The Art of The Auto

    Hoss summed it up well. they are one of the new "super auto" strains that are breed to grow bigger and live longer. If you don't have noticeable buds starting to form in the next 2-3 weeks, switch to 12/12 and leave it there.
  2. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    I think it has made a difference in plant health.
  3. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    yeah LST is what I meant. I wouldn't use anything rougher on an auto but in regular stains super cropping is the shit.
  4. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    I had one that was easily 40" tall but I tied it over. I have had them finish anywhere from eight to ten weeks. If you want a tester I would at least wait until week 8.
  5. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    I think you are right adam 12 will be pushing it. I start a seed or two every couple of weeks so they all won't be full grown at the same time
  6. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    I abandoned the trial when both of the plants in the FFOF ended up male. I ended up mixing it in with the MG and running that.
  7. teflondummy

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    I have made some upgrades to the cabinet. I added 2 bathroom fans and started to light proof it with foil tape. I have also lowered the botttom grow area and created some space between the two chambers. Before the top was getting hotter, I am hoping the airspace between them will help keep that...
  8. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    I also cut this one a couple of days ago. about an ounce dry.
  9. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    So there have been a lot of things going on around the dummy ranch. I got my cabinet from Home Depot it is one of the plastic ones. 30"x20"x70". I had to scale back the number of bulbs but I still think I can keep 10-12 smaller plants going in it. I am going to upgrade the exhaust fan tomorrow...
  10. teflondummy

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Well here is my new cabinet. I still need to get a better fan and some mylar or something to line it with. I am also going to have to switch containers since my buckets don't really fit that well. It is 30"x20"x70" I think I can fit 10-12 autos in it.
  11. teflondummy

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    2 weeks and you will notice clusters of hairs forming up into buds.
  12. teflondummy

    The Art of The Auto

    looks like it is going to be a frosty little bush.
  13. teflondummy

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Not all of mine look like that either but that one was fucking pretty.
  14. teflondummy

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I say again to you sir bravo...bravo. That is a nice looking patch of green. I have noticed the wild pheno variations in the strains too. I believe that it is also a combination of genetic variation and growing method. Differences in light spectrum and intensity, nutrients, growing medium...
  15. teflondummy

    The Art of The Auto

    If some of them are sexed leave them on the 18/6. They look like they are getting ready to pop. In my experience the ones that take longer to show get bigger in the end, and yield a lot more. If you don't have little clusters of hairs starting to form buds in a week or two switch to 12/12. If...
  16. teflondummy

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    That thing is a pretty little bush. I seeshort stuff has been good to you as well.
  17. teflondummy

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    It is a male for sure. those are pollen sacks that will mature and open in about another week. I have had all of my males show sex before 20 days. The females are usually a couple of days behind that. It is not what it was supposed to be but on the bright side you can pollinate your female and...
  18. teflondummy

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    And here are the young' uns. the oldest are Blue himalayan diesels and the younger ones are a mystery short stuff cross. They are all auto flowers grown under CFLs in my attic
  19. teflondummy

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Whats up in the ghetto? I figured I would put up a few pics of my oldest girls
  20. teflondummy

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    In my experience with short stuff they will stretch and bush out between weeks 4 and 6. I think the MI5s are one of the breeders smaller strains.