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  1. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    i have to shut the door at the bottom of stairs so u cant smell them down stairs but yes they smell good more pics tonight
  2. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    i dont think i have enough room for all 8
  3. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    well here some more pics 5/23/09 day 13 there getting Crystals now almost 1/4 done
  4. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    since i started all the new growth has looked like that .soon it will be green like the rest i know i did not over feed tonight i will give a little more food the plants were transferred almost 1 month ago have feed them 1 time what do u think i show do 2x does of food or 1
  5. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    well with a 10k btu a/c temp is @76 deg 1 ft under light
  6. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    5/22/09 day 12 of flowering here is some pics
  7. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    5-21-09 just turned them on here is some new pics 11 days in to flowering watered last night with half dose of bloom (mercogrow) there growing 1 in to 2 in a day there doing real well will keep posting
  8. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    thnks for the support i will keep posting pics i cant wait to roll a fat blunt next pics in 2 days let then grow allot
  9. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    i was wonderen if waiting every 5 days to water will be fine ? i use mercogrow potting mix with 1/3 perilite in 4 gall pots water @1/3 gall each water ever 5 days (so i have a dry cycle for a day) there is run off so use to my buddys grows and he uses coco fiber and i tranplanted from...
  10. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    here are the new pics
  11. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    well the bag of weed was bought from my dude here are some new pic
  12. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    need advice
  13. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    all walmart but light online buy 600 hps tell me what u think or help if u think it will help
  14. themaverick420

    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    check out my journal guys tell me what you think, any tips/suggestions or comments. this is my 1st grow, i got everything from walmart. well except for my light i ordered online ;) 600w HPS bagseed 8 females 4 gal pots reflector with emergency blankets (walmart :) also this is a...
  15. themaverick420

    my 1st grow [pics]

    pics in order: day 1 of 12/12 day 3 day 5 day 9
  16. themaverick420

    my 1st grow [pics]

    under HPS now, pics in order: week1 week2 week3
  17. themaverick420

    my 1st grow [pics]

    100% wal~mart grow 600w HPS 8 females (bagseed) topped veged in 1 gal flowering in 4 gal pots 1st pics: germinating under compact fluro 4 days