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  1. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Thank you for sharing this.. it gives me some hope but also frustrating that it is going so badly for me. Can I ask .. are you using drip rings or the stock drip sticks that come with the Wilma? Roughly what drip rate are you running ? I started off feeding 24/7 at a constant flow which is where...
  2. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Thank you for sharing this.. it gives me some hope but also frustrating that it is going so badly for me. Can I ask .. are you using drip rings or the stock drip sticks that come with the Wilma? Roughly what drip rate are you running ? I started off feeding 24/7 at a constant flow which is where...
  3. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    You don’t think I am overwatering and starving the roots? I know rising PPMs means they are only drinking but how can they not need more feed when the PPM is so low already? I guess they aren’t growing.. I will leave the PPM at 450 for now then. I know I do have a lot of light but the LEDs...
  4. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    If you zoom in to the Hydroton, do you think it looks quite wet? I haven’t irrigated since the lights came on yesterday
  5. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    I have not seen any other thread on this please post a link if you have the time to find it? I am going to do a water change and also run the light cycle with no feeding. It’s nice for me to hear someone besides myself who thinks it is an environment issue not a deficiency. Maybe I shouldn’t...
  6. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Thanks Myke for the suggestion but the buckets already sit on a little recess so they are elevated a bit. I know I have bombarded the forum with picture but there is no better diagnosis tool than a picture. Here are some of the plants as the lights turn on...
  7. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Thank you for your replies!! I already love this forum.. Sorry I haven’t mentioned this ...So my ppms have been climbing on there own but I have been increasing them further despite this. The reason is I have been running a low PPM anyway as my plants have been “stressed” like this for three...
  8. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Not sure if anyone will follow this anymore but the wilting continues... a new symptom I have observed which may help diagnose that the hell is going on. Some of the stems on the most affected plants have bent in an 90 degree angle !! It looks very strange to say the least.. Note the purple...
  9. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Still a little unhappy looking but some looking better than others, I am happy to see some growth again ! I think I still need to slow the flow on the drip rings to put everything right, there is way too much water being delivered in one go. Thanks again for the help.
  10. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Haha well looking at your zoomed in version of my picture yes they look awfully like an infestation! I will double check now, it may sound strange to you but the room is newly built and pieces of plaster board do still get sucked through the plug sockets as dust and settles on the plants. I...
  11. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Myke- I hope they are not bugs ! I am fairly sure what you are seeing is fine pieces of plaster board- my extract fan creates such a large negative pressure it sucks tiny bits of plaster onto the plants. I have fixed this now. My ppm on the last was 500 in grow and 950 in flower, by this was...
  12. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Myke - I agree with you about the roots not spreading out when wet. Maybe this is the problem for me, I had 24/7 feeding so the roots did not develop for the amount of foliage on top cause the wilt as the “day” goes on. I just don’t understand how I got such good root growth in a DWC where...
  13. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Above and below are pictures of the plants after 18 hours under the lights. Do you think they look better than my previous post? I think so.. maybe! Gypsy Dog.. I have not measured the light distance yet but will do so tonight and get back to you. I am also going to up the PPM tonight and...
  14. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Maybe I have the distance wrong. It could make sense as they perk back up when lights have been out for a while. I don’t see the tail tail signs of light burn but I will measure the light distance and you guys can let me know if I should raise them? Thanks again people !!
  15. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    I think it is worth me raising the PPM, they are a reasonable size now so they should be able to take it and you never know, it may be the issue here. I will report back if I change anything ... maybe it will help someone in my position. I will get an exact measurement as per light distance...
  16. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Thank you for the post Gypsy Dog. I have read articles similar to this and it completely stumped me. Everywhere I read says you can irrigate Hydroton continuously, so I thought it wouldn’t be a problem especially as I am aerating the res with pumps and air stones. My plants seem to be showing...
  17. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    This is the best i have seen them for a while which has filled me with hope. Although the older leaves are still dropping the new growth looks perky.. The second photo is flavour chasers Gelato which have stood up to the overwatering the best. I will post some more photos in the morning so you...
  18. W

    First cycle in Hydroton, are my plants overwatered?

    Thank you Myke and Jypsy dog for your suggestions . That table is very interesting I have saved it for my records. I think” I got pretty good at preparing my nutrient solution last run with the DWC and have a basic knowledge of chemistry. My water is very soft so the little salts I have in the...