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  1. ryikk

    Its funny, prior to building this system I never once did any plumbing. I read a bunch, watched...

    Its funny, prior to building this system I never once did any plumbing. I read a bunch, watched ALOT of YouTube videos and such and then decided to get brave and go for it. First test failed with a crap drilled hole in 1 container, pulled it apart (that was not fun), and replaced that...
  2. ryikk

    RDWC Nutrient Schedule Feedback

    Thanks. Yeah I already had to put them to use. One of the holes I drilled was not clean and it leaked when I water tested it. It was at that moment I was soooo glad I did that. I broke out the left side, replaced the container and popped it back into place and away I went. Those unions I...
  3. ryikk

    RDWC Nutrient Schedule Feedback

    I’m running 2 x 600W LED in a 4x4 grow tent. I’m using RO/DI water. The system is running with 35g of water with 4 containers.
  4. ryikk

    RDWC Nutrient Schedule Feedback

    This is my first grow. Just did a shit ton of research to come up with this schedule.
  5. ryikk

    RDWC Nutrient Schedule Feedback

    The one labeled GH3 is the General Hydroponics FloraGrow FloraMicro FloraBloom set
  6. ryikk

    RDWC Nutrient Schedule Feedback

    So I have done a bunch of looking around and put together a possible feeding schedule. I would appreciate feedback. This is a RDWC setup using RO/DI water.
  7. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    What exactly do you mean by waterfalls? Also I’m going to be trying out soaker hoses as air stones. Saw a guy make them and they put out ALOT of fine bubbles.
  8. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    I already have an air pump and built a manifold to run some soaker hose rings in place of air stones (kind of a super air experiment). Any other hints?
  9. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    Another question for you guys. Would a setup like this work? 2” PVC from controller throughout and 1/2” return. Not 100% sure on the science and I know lots of systems are completely symetrical so figure I would ask.
  10. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    Ok thanks!
  11. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    “The Line” as in the high water mark?
  12. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    If you are feeding from a 55g into the control does it need to be vertically higher or is the water pressure alone enough if they are both on the ground?
  13. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    And @Airwalker16 the issue with the height of the cut is that the ideal spot is right where the zipper is on the bottom. If it was a nice flat spot I wouldn’t be as worried and would have just went on and cut it. Just my luck right?
  14. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    The containers are 12 gal rectangle heavy duty totes. I plan to setup a 55g filler res to fill the controller on a float valve. Trying to add some redundancy to it in case I have to travel for work or family unexpectantly.
  15. ryikk

    RDWC position of Pipes

    Hey all, building out my first RDWC that will be running in a 4x4 grow tent and wondering what happens if your pipes don’t connect at the very bottom of your containers? I want to leverage the hole near the bottom of the tent to run said pipe through but that would mean it would be roughly 6”...