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    moving seedlings under 1000w

    if the light is too close is it going to dry up my plants or even worse burn the leaves? is the age of the plants too young for my light and i should keep them under the CFL's for a bit longer?
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    do spidermites live only on the plants, or do they live and nest threw out eh room?

    ill hate my life if they have babies and ruin my babies
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    do spidermites live only on the plants, or do they live and nest threw out eh room?

    thanks man, I ended up killing them anyway, but that's because i ordered seeds and they arrived. I didn't care too much about shit seeds I got from shwag that were only a month old. Hopefully i'll never see spidermites again.
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    moving seedlings under 1000w

    My babes have been under CFL's for about 2 weeks now, and the roots are getting too big for my pots. I want to transplant them into 19.5L buckets and put them under my 1000w light. I don't want to damage them with the light. Should I keep the light far away and gradually make it closer as the...
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    do spidermites live only on the plants, or do they live and nest threw out eh room?

    do spidermites live only on the plants, or do they live and nest threw out the room? I just moved plants from a friends addic into a newly renovated room for growing purpaces. Since I found spidermites on one of the plants I am whiping down the whole room with insectasidal soap as well as the...
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    New Grow Room, Any Ideas?

    I have two table fans in the room blowing on high dirrectly at the light, and wouldn't the air purifier help with the cooling of the light? or should I have 2 fans sucking air out and one sucking air in? I moved plants from a T5 in my addict under this light, now I plan on cloning these...
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    New Grow Room, Any Ideas?

    The Sheet just devides the room so its a square, even more for looks, I was more wondering if the light could heat it up. Im pretty low on founds, so I plan on using the same light for veg and flowering. When I purchased my light I was going to get a 1000w HPS but there was a MH bulb that had...
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    New Grow Room, Any Ideas?

    okay, i have a room 8x11x6.5. There is about 3 feet of the long side of the room that is being devided by a white bed sheet used for storage, etc. In the center of the room I have a 1000w MH hanging from the ceiling via chains. I have two bathroom fans (made for a 45sq feet room) in the room...