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  1. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Here are some finishing and dry shots of the Axis x SSDD and Lemon Thai x OMG testers. came out with some funky terps that were everything from SSDD to trainwreck reminiscent while the LT x OMG were everything from jack herer to super lemon haze to just straight lemon pinesol. These were flipped...
  2. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    I am not seeing any of these available on the site. Is this drop soon to happen?
  3. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Those first 2 look super similar to the expressions I am seeing in these testers! are you about 7-8 weeks in, too?
  4. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Some close ups of the current testers. All at 7 weeks. First 5 are Axis x SSDD last 3 are Lemon Thai x OMG yes I know there is some bug damage going regular order of predators was delayed by 2 weeks! First photo looks very similar to the katsu bubba x SSDD
  5. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Lotus Head and Pillow Book seeds just starting to flower. Next to load are terpenado, 4 play, and mango hashplant!
  6. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Are those first two pictures the Motor city? They look possibly intersexed, yeah?
  7. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    I tested Katsu Bubba x came out fairly nice, though it was fairly small in flower size. It should also be noted that I only ended up with one female out of the lot, but thats just how it goes sometimes. There were only 2 males in my pack of Pillow Book, so it all evens out eventually...
  8. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Lemon Thai x OMG and Axis x SSDD testers hit 6 weeks in bloom today. The LT x OMG has super lemony tall stacks, while the axis x ssdd is looking very similar in flower structure to the katsu bubba x ssdd tester from last round
  9. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Thats some wild shit! Maybe she/he/they just decided it was time to transition!
  10. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    The seeds are already predetermined of their sex unless there is some hormonal application. It's chromosomes, folks. Yes there may be damaged chromosomes that show intersex traits, but think about it....really. In other news, here is a nice blurry night picture of Lemon Thai x OMG (in the front)...
  11. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Some sexy Axis x SSDD and Lemon Thai x OMG testers starting to kick into flower mode. Got 5/9 females on the Axis x SSDD and 3/8 on the Lemon Thai x OMG...not to shabby ratio wise. excited to see what these ladies have to offer!
  12. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Well I dicksclare! First Lemon Thai x OMG and Axis x SSDD Testers getting super excited to be 1 month above ground
  13. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Thank you. Everything else had 95-100% germ rates and healthy growth. I have a lighter mix for the seedlings now. These funky lil Thunder Wooks are starting to look a bit healthier in the last few days.
  14. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Anyone had trouble with Thunder Wookie seeds? I saw the lowest germination rates and have some weird chimera mutations on the seedlings. There is a picture of their neighboring Mango HP seedlings that are having no issues and a group shot of all the glorious new babies as well.
  15. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    TK all day!
  16. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    I know seedling pictures aren't the most thrilling, but I am beyond stoked at all this new gear coming up!
  17. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    I have Mango Hashplant on the way along with Thunder Wook, Time Bandit, and 4 Play. Super excited about each and every one along with the 5 other Bodhi varietals I just popped
  18. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Everything's coming up Milhouse!
  19. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    Testers have broken ground and new beans are planted with more on the way! Getting into exciting new crosses like this makes my ganja gardening heart grow ten times its size!
  20. Green pantsuit

    bodhi seeds

    I just cracked some of those same ssdd x axis testers! Also have the Lemon Thai x OMG going. Crush free!