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  1. B

    CSI humboldt thread

    Perfect! Thanks for replying. Much appreciated.
  2. B

    CSI humboldt thread

    Sounds good! Cc it is. Do I have to like notify the CC company of an overseas purchase first or anything? Or are these guys here in the states? Because one time I did that and ended up with my cc locked for almost a month! Lol! But I do prefer to pay with cc. I gots credit, just sometimes dont...
  3. B

    CSI humboldt thread

    Yeah, prices seem fair either way. Better than 100 per on the CSI site. Definitely something that I'll be looking into. Have many of the people here used this site before? I'm just always leery on my first time, ya know.
  4. B

    CSI humboldt thread

    Oh okay! Well that's still pretty cool! I just went over and checked it out. At least they give you the option to go monthly or annually. Thanks for replying so fast. Much appreciated.
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    CSI humboldt thread

    @Zipz55. Excuse me for jumping all into your conversation but I have bought quite a bit of CSI Humboldts gear over the years and was wondering where does one sign up for this "subscription " or whatever it is? Is it on the CSI Humboldt website? Or somewhere else? Sounds like a pretty good deal...
  6. B

    In House Genetics Thread

    Jellybreathe bx1
  7. B

    Mara's Organic KNF Indoor Garden

    You've got one heck of a grow! Love your grow style! Hope you dont mind me pulling up a seat to enjoy the show and hopefully this old dog may learn a new trick or two! Lol! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
  8. B

    CSI humboldt thread

    Sweet Pink Stink (Bubblegum × Purple Urkle) at day 26 of 12/12 growing in a 5 gallon bag of #livingorganicsoil under #QuantumBoards #3000k. This is the second time I've grown this strain and both times I could not be happier with the frost and smells coming off of her. Not so much a grape...
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    Ethos Seeds

    Ethos Cookies again, same day, same plant.
  10. B

    Ethos Seeds

    Ethos Cookies at about day 27 of 12/12 growing in a 5 gallon Rain Science bag of #livingorganicsoil under #QuantumBoards #3000k. Looking a little hungry, but overall she looks good and should have no problem getting to the finish.