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  1. C

    Soil drainage issues

    Found this bit of info for you: Container Gardening: Container Soils: Water Movement and Retention II For my maples, i cut strips out of those super absorbent foam towels you use to dry cars with and stuck them a few inches into the soil through the drainage hole. Takes a few hours but it...
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    Soil drainage issues

    pebbles worked for me...until my roots grew into them. I had my plants in like a 1 gallon clay pot that only had one hole in the bottom. When i watered, it only took a couple of seconds before i saw water dribble out of the bottom. My plants are at about 9.5 inches and i just found out they...
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    Soil drainage issues

    2 weeks is a long time. You'll probably end up with root rot. How long does it take for the upper parts of the soil to dry out? Depending on the size of your plants, it might be a good idea to repot into bigger containers and use an inch to inch and a half of pebbles or hydroton in the bottom...
  4. C

    Question...cfm ratings, ventilation, and carbon filters.

    I have a question. I'm about to set up my first grow tent and i have a 6" vortex rated at 450 cfms. The fan will be used to pull air through a scrubber and an a/c hood. The shop recommended i get a carbon filter (13lbs of carbon, cfm:180-275). Even with all the bends in the tubing inside the...
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    Bottom yellowing. over water, deficiency, ...?

    Thanks. If it was indeed yellowing from being rootbound, should i see an immediate improvement now that they're in bigger pots? Will the yellow leaves go back to being green or are they done for?
  6. C

    nitrogen deficiency - yellowing bottom leaves?

    I think i have the same issue as you...i hope anyway. On one of my plants, the leaves at the bottom were turning bright yellow...slowly working its way up the plant. It was already in rich soil and i was adding nutes on top of that so it didn't make sense that it was a nitrogen deficiency. I...
  7. C

    Bottom yellowing. over water, deficiency, ...?

    Okay, i transplanted them into 5 gallon containers. They were definitely root bound although i'm still not sure if that is the reason it was yellowing. There was a clump of roots wrapped around the 1.5" of rocks at the bottom so they weren't getting much if any water or nutes from the soil...
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    My Cat ate my HomeGrow

    same thing happened to me, except my plants were 7 inches tall. One of my cats snuck into the room where my plants were and got locked in all night. Thankfully she decided to stop eating after 4 leaves.
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    This Is My Skinny Stem

    maybe get a bigger pot too and bury the plant up to the lowest set of leaves. Put a fan on them as soon as you can to fatten up the stem.
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    Bottom yellowing. over water, deficiency, ...?

    At first, it was just the smallest set of leaves, but the yellowing seems to be slowly working its' way up. I've been watering every 2-3 days. Plant is in ocean forest soil and getting half to 2/3 recommended dosing of grow big. Maybe it's root bound too? I'm not exactly sure. I see some...
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    White Fungus!!

    fungus gnats?
  12. C

    4.5 weeks. I'm about to cry. (pics)

    Thanks everyone. The temps under the lights are around the mid 70's. The plants are under 4 two foot t5's. There have been a couple times where the plant grew into the bulbs and the tips burnt a little, but no biggie. As for the twigs and stuff, the soil is fox farm ocean forrest mix. The...
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    4.5 weeks. I'm about to cry. (pics)

    I posted a thread maybe 2 weeks ago about yellowing/burnt tips on the bottom older leaves. I was able to get that under control by pH'ing the water. Now onto new problems. I don't know why, but my two plants seems to droop toward the end of the 18/6 light period. It's definitely not over or...
  14. C

    Why are my plants sad? (pics and info)

    mine seem to pick up in a matter of hours.
  15. C

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    Do you know what type of stores carry digital ph meters? I've called the pool supply stores in my area hoping they would have one, but they seem to carry the liquid tests only. Also the strain is 'Early Skunk', from the sensi seed bank. SENSI SEEDS > CANNABIS SEEDS > Outdoor > EARLY SKUNK®
  16. C

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    I'm trying to hold out. It's going to be three days no water tomorrow. Soil seems dry, but the leaves haven't really perked up yet. Does it matter when the fan blows? (during light or dark period?) Thanks. The pics were just taken with a point & shoot, but in digital macro mode. It's a...
  17. C

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    The last time i tested water around these parts(just moved back), i remember they were at the high end towards alkaline. I'm in the process of trying to find a decent digital pH meter and i'm hoping that's the problem since it's pretty easily correctable. Before the transplant, they were in...
  18. C

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    I haven't added any nutes yet and this started happening before i transplanted into foxfarm. Originally, it was planted in brand new regular potting soil. I have no idea what's going on...just hoping it doesn't get any worse.
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    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    Thanks everyone. I haven't put a fan to them yet since the temps here in southern ca have been pretty cool lately. They're in a closet now and when the lights are on, the temps are most likely in the 70's..lights off probably in the mid 60's. I do want to start soon though to thicken up the...
  20. C

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    Thnx for the prompt reply. So i shouldn't be worrying about the spotting and curling? I just tested the soil pH. If the meter is correct, it's reading around 7.1. I'm going to try lowering the pH of my water with aquarium drops, will that be okay? Also, i heard foxfarms soil was pretty...