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  1. J

    Tips for Dyna Grow Foliage Pro in soil

    that's good to hear you got things all figured took me a few months to get it down and learn how to use Dyna issues were not enough runoff, underfeeding and too many supplements...I have gone up to 2 tsp per gallon of Grow in Veg with no burn no stress just fast, healthy...
  2. J

    Tips for Dyna Grow Foliage Pro in soil

    I have found when I always have good runoff (15-25% runoff is key) I have had no issues or deficiencies with Dyna Bro EVER...(I'm in roots "procision advantage" mix) cal- mag ever needed..I'm just using filtered tap water (ideal H20 brand Garden Hose Filter) ...also never had any issues in...
  3. J

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Thanks...I'll keep that in mind
  4. J

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Red square bottom Solo cups, 4" square pots and 1 gallon square pots...I use peatmoss/ procision advantage mix from roots..."soilless" does not come amended at all..I was doing anywhere from 1/4-1/2 tsp per gallon of foliage pro (Dyna Gro) balancing out the pH with...
  5. J

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    I'm starting to see why guys use the "Lucas Formula" avoid nitrogen overuse right??
  6. J

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Fuck..I've already done so much lol I don't want to over react anymore lol...Yeah its nasty totally learned my lesson on this round..I was able to transplant some babes from a solo cup up into 1 gallons so looks like some are growing out of it
  7. J

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Been having Nitrogen issues...seems like no matter what I do I get the tip burns, ultra dark green leaf and the leaf curls down and "claws"...I just run a veg and clone room at the moment...I have my Hanna meter thats correctly calibrated so I'm keeping track of the pH of my solutions and the...
  8. J

    New to LED..couple questions

    I just run a simple veg and clone room at the moment and been wanting to bring my room temperature down...I'm looking to replace my 600w with digital far as LED goes...I just want a quality LED that will replace my 600w
  9. J

    New to LED..couple questions

    Thanks for all the info guys! But LMAO the other thread on LED lighting got shut down cause y'all can't stop bitching and flexing at each other...let's keep it positive and try to all help each other
  10. J

    New to LED..couple questions

    Wondering if anyone has used the Kind LED XL 750..if it's good to replace my 600W on digital ballast...and thats all I know about my 600 lol..appreciate Any info or helps thanks yall
  11. J

    New to LED..couple questions

    Wondering if anyone has used the Kind LED XL 750..if it's good to replace my 600W on digital ballast...and thats all I know about my 600 lol..appreciate Any info or helps thanks yall
  12. J

    Dstroy's first grow journal

    Lol nice man as long as you keeping track of pH and ppm and room climate don't forget to flush like me I'm a dumb ass and now dealing with a mag deficiency/lockout
  13. J

    Dstroy's first grow journal

    Im gonna switch to Grow..i want a bit more phosphorus for the roots and they're getting a bit too much Nitrogen with foliage pro..getting the leaf tip curl under and leaves get really really dark
  14. J

    Dstroy's first grow journal

    Nice...I'm just running a veg room right now so soil is easy for me and I need a fast turnover..I always dream about running a rockwool ebb and flow or a hydroton ..
  15. J

    Dstroy's first grow journal

    You should be all good with just Dyna gro...can be a little overwhelming at very first with all the additives, like when to mix in and if its gonna affect pH and ppm but you'll get the hang of it quick...sometimes if my pH is too low after adding nutrients, I'll use sm-90 to pH up...I haven't...
  16. J

    Foliar feeding washes off spinosad/avid/forbid, etc. ???

    I do avid dips for my clones...4 drops to 1 gallon for the avid 0.15ec
  17. J

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Dyna Gro has never done me wrong! pro-tekt, foliage pro, and mag pro, along with a little SM 90 and hygrozyme...that's all I use ..KLN for rooting of course...been experimenting with Elite 91 products recently...expensive, but their 'Roots' formula is pretty awesome right sure there's...
  18. J

    Dstroy's first grow journal

    Just wanna say I love using Dyna Gro ! I run a veg/clone room and use Roots B2 soil mix...always fast growth and so easy to get the pH and ppm to where I want it every time... I never have to use pH up or down...start high with pro tekt... Then foliage pro and mag pro to bring the pH down..if I...
  19. J

    Welcome New Members!

    Out here in Maui Hawaii :-) anyone here ever tried Hawaii flower?