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  1. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    kudos to all the harvests and the ones still growing. Everything looks beautiful, and I swear I can smell the dankness through my phone. I really wish I didn't have to chop down early last month. For all that are tired of trimming, I'll be happy to volunteer my services. Lol. Happy harvest...
  2. mwine87

    Top strains you've tried and highly recommend, tried as in smoked you don't have to of grown it.

    True Og, Apothic Og, Charlie Sheen Og, King Louie, Nasa Og... All super super smelly and hard hitting. Charlie has smaller dense nugs, Nasa really gets my brain going In directions, true is truly amazing, Apothic has one of the best tastes I've ever sampled, king Louie makes everyone in the...
  3. mwine87

    Anyone harvest with white hairs?

    I just had to do that. Three of my plants were already changed from white to red, two others had both, and one had white. Had to pull all of them early cuz of Caterpillars. Hot hit hard and didn't have any BT. I'll let you know how the smoke is after the cure.
  4. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    had to chop early this weekend. I had a plague of caterpillers just munching away like it was a sweet and frosty buffet. Luckily they were not to far gone. Now, my living room smells like a skunk walked through with a leaky ass. Next season, I'll be more observent. I know what to look for now...
  5. mwine87

    Fuckin' catapillers..

    Fuckin' catapillers..
  6. mwine87

    autoflower getting done so fast no yield?? wat to do?

    aren't you not supposed to top autos?? Everything I've read says "don't top autos". The life span is set, so you don't have the extra time to recover from the act of topping. This may be the problem... But I've never grown any autos... So IDK. Just my 2 cents.
  7. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

  8. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    unfortunately, I've never grown it. I love smokin' it though. One of the heavier stones I've found. Great flavor, intoxicating smell... I took it to a party and everytime I opened the bottle, everyone within a 15 foot radius got a lot closer to me. :) Some seeds are finicky. I got a batch of...
  9. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    The dispensary I go to has these strains... Super dank. They are super heavy and frosty. Hope yours turn out similar. King Louie is one of my favorite strains, would love to have those genetics in my seed jar. Jealous like lime green jello.
  10. mwine87

    Just a few more weeks til harvest... already have next batch started. :)

    Just a few more weeks til harvest... already have next batch started. :)
  11. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    im looking at seed banks and which strains to order... never looked at Breeder's Boutique, though. Ill be looking at those ones, for sure.
  12. mwine87

    Help! Swollen Catlyx or Hermie?

    chop and start again. better luck next time.
  13. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Super frosty, those look awesome. very nice, enjoy the smoke. :)
  14. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    First picture is from early April. Last pic is today. Started flowering on the Summer Solstice. :) First Outdoor Grow, Organics, and Happy. A couple more weeks i think. :bigjoint: Finally had a chance to sit in front of a computer and upload these.
  15. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    what's the consensus on Defoliation??
  16. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    oh yeah, but we still did all that stretching bs for fitness exam... Or board games. Turn the lights off and play "heads up, 7-up"? so glad its not as bad.
  17. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    bongsmilie;-) Being born in Riverside, in 1987, I experienced these lung pains growing up. I remember baseball practice and swimming, it always hurt to breathe afterwards. Surprisingly, I don't have asthma, and I smoke pot like a chimney. The air is much :blsmoke:better, now. ive been looking...
  18. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    It says I don't have permission to view your journal. :(
  19. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    The weather has been really nice. My plants have been enjoying the heat, they get shade in the hottest part of the day and don't fry. I'm growing out some seeds I got from a friend, some Lemon Kush and something else. I put them outside in April, started showing sex on the summer soltice this...
  20. mwine87

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Hands up for Riverside County!! Glad I'm not the only one. :)