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  1. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

    really fun (especially when your getting laid lol),, but the thing about E is that its usually cut with some thing not so pleasant. MDMA by itself is harmless but street E has (were i live at least) Meth and/or Speed cut with it. The highs from diffrent kinds of E vary and you never know if your...
  2. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Dartura/ Jimson Weed

    Hey Guys,, I recently got my hands on these seeds from the Dartura plant, about 100 seeds. I was told that there are hallucinogenic, my friend tried them and he said that he tripped balls lol. but anyways i was wonder what the kind people at RIU had to say about this stuff. Some video on the...
  3. Chronic.Hiptonic

    El Cheapo Guide to CO2

    oops er spraying lol not praying
  4. Chronic.Hiptonic

    El Cheapo Guide to CO2

    Ive heard of praying your plant with, either carbonated water or fermenting water(ie yeast), im not to sure thou
  5. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Where to buy equipment

    I was wondering were is usually a better place to purchase growing equipment. In my area i have a head shop with a section of growing stuff, and some big retail shoppes like Home Depot, Wal Mart and Canadian Tire.
  6. Chronic.Hiptonic

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    In the Soo (norther Ontario) i usually get an ounce for 170-180$ its pretty good, its usually better than the shit that the stuff that the kids at my school get lol
  7. Chronic.Hiptonic


    thanks for the advice
  8. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Advice Purple Stick 60X Salvia

    well thanks guyss,, i didnt know the discrepancy in the Xs for that Company (misleading douchebags lol),, if i get my hands on it ill be sure to share the experince lol....
  9. Chronic.Hiptonic


    i was wondering if i were to just use some florescent reptilian lights instead of a HPS light what would the effects be on the plant and bud...
  10. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Advice Purple Stick 60X Salvia

    while I was at me local head shop i happend to notice a new package Salvia named Purple Stick (i think thats the company) 60X,, now i have had salvia plenty of time before but only 20 and 10x and i was wondering if anyone has any personaly info or experience with this stuff or higher X saliva...
  11. Chronic.Hiptonic

    What are your Pieces names?

    I almost did,, but its was like i gave my pipe to a friend to smoke with but a cop rolled up and she dropped every thing (pipe & weed), and after the cop talked to us and we walked away he was the stuff and drove off with it.
  12. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Canada Vs USA?

    Canada is great, if you like the winter and dont mind the cold then you'll do fine,, there is a lot of smokers up here, i was this CBC thing on TV that said that Canada has the highest pot smoking percentage in The WORLD,, like 16% compared to Holland were its like 10% and its legal over there LOL,,
  13. Chronic.Hiptonic

    gravity vortex

    i have one of those,, there pretty good but i find that the bowls are really thin and break easy,, plus the diamator of the bowl stem is smaller than regular ones so your stuck with buying there crappy bowls,, plus it's kinda hard to clean it,, o but the tokes are really big and smooth.
  14. Chronic.Hiptonic

    What are your Pieces names?

    I had a pipe for years which i named chip ( the glass notch broke off) but the police had to take her a way from me :(
  15. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Your Favourite Rolling Paper.

    I have,, there ok i find them to be just a novelty, but if their the only thing around use em lol
  16. Chronic.Hiptonic

    What you have learned in life.

    Do on to others as you would like them to you,, Honor your word,, Karma is the real deal,, Love your Family- their the only ones who care There is a lot of assholes out there just ready to burn you,, Be yourself, for you and no one else,, and most of all,, Share the Love :)
  17. Chronic.Hiptonic


    sometimes,, i like to stroll down the board walk near the ST.Mary's river with a red hot spliff a blazen
  18. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Kingdom Kumm

    This place once was mine Horizons broad and true I can feel it now, Slipping away from me Faded images of my old reality Ornate paradox, perplexed by it's own existence Renegade thought scattered on ruin landscape Young kings, new masters of a fools domain Over run with ideas fleeing frantically...
  19. Chronic.Hiptonic


    Dude their da shit,, Volcano is the best for sure,,
  20. Chronic.Hiptonic

    Your Favourite Rolling Paper.

    lol posts already not even 5 minutes,,, I personally like: Lion of Judah ( for those longer spliffs) & Zig-Zags for a stubby stone lol,,