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    parent question

    Well, after a nice wake and bake, I started thinking as most ppl do. My daughter is almost 2. Does smoking pot and even growing make you an irresponsible parent? i mean, i know pretty soon im not gonnq be able to roll up a j and spark it while watching her play on her swing set in the back...
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    Household Pipe

    Im book marking this lop, great ideas. i read about the sport bottle one. only one i have is from when the houston rockets won the nba championship back in the 90's. just couldnt bring myself to cut it up
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    Household Pipe

    Salt shaker lid!! nice, nvr thought of that. just made water fall. omg. im just gonna say ive never puked that bad... ever.
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    Household Pipe

    Dont think that will cover a milk jug or a two leader bottle
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    Household Pipe

    Do you guys know anything to use for a screen besides tin foil? heard that stuffs bad for you lol
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    Household Pipe

    Will do. google ftw
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    Household Pipe

    I broke up an oz last night, had 1....1 paper, rolled up a j and blazed. took my pipe outside with me, had it in my lap.. forgot about it, stood up and it fell and broke. so i'm sitting at home with a bag of bud and no way to smoke it. someone gimme a how to on making a simple pipe.
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    my personal grow journal

    Gotta wait till the weekend. my camera is getting a new screen and lens put it.
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    Household Pipe

    Has anyone made A really easy to make pipe outta stuff found in the house
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    my personal grow journal

    Shes now, well over 4 mm tall. is that too much stretching over 1 day?
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    Perfecting Germination

    Nothing has popped/cracked yet.
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    Perfecting Germination

    Well, some ppl like myself dont have access to clones. reason being why im trying to find the fastest most reliable way of germinating seeds. kinda why the thread is called perfecting germination... not perfecting clones... but thanks for the post and the bump. \m/
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    my personal grow journal

    Well, what i thought was my plant turned out to be a weed.... my actuall plant sprouted this morning. i'm just gonna start taking measurments starting now, and will be updated every 3 days. weight includes soil and pot. weight= 518 grams height= 3/4 of a mm,
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    Perfecting Germination

    I'm gonna try 4 methods tonight, see how it goes. 1st method by gently rubbing sand paper over the seed then soak, 2nd method of putting seed in a freezer then using the paper towel method. 3rd way will be to just plain wet paper towel in a zip lock, and the last way will be similar to 3rd way...
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    Perfecting Germination

    I remember reading on here some knew how to germinate in 24 hours? this for real? Also i read somewhere on here that the males popped first, and that females would take some times a day or two longer? Any truth held in this?
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    got an interview

    As title says, i smoke daily. how long will it take to pass cotton swap in the mouth (cell) test? i was told 14 days, but i had passed one before and smoked 4 days before it. but i had snuff (dip) in my mouth at the same time and passed.. idk can someone help me out.
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    Old School, Power Hitter! Using Sport Bottle.

    I have a rockets sports bottle like that!! im makin one. Great post
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    Perfecting Germination

    I was wondering if anyone thinks they/knows they have/know the the fastest, most reliable way to germ seeds. i personally wet some paper towels, strategically position my seeds, fold over place in zip lock bag, and into my dresser for a few days. Bam!! germination. but ive also rotted a few...
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    Just google'd biobizz, says its a hydroponic nute =/. and its a uk thing. im in the states.
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    What are some nutes i can add during feeding/waterings? and what would cause the tips of the fan leaves to brown/die?