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  1. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    since its my first grow not sure how big these autos are gonna get I'm running 7 gal smartys there 14" got 4 in now but have 2 more I can fill what do u guys think how many can I fit in my 5x5? strains are Fastbuds GSC, Dinafem WW XXL and sour diesel
  2. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    nope not yet gonna pull them up today and plant the other 2 I germinated also decided to germ a sour disel aswell figure I have some room in the 5x5 maybe just try to keep it short gonna run the lights mine as well put as many plants as I can under them what do u think
  3. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    gsc as of 2 days ago WW xxl as of 2 days ago
  4. NwoodsGrower

    Win 100 Awesome Seeds with The Vault and Sweet Seeds!

    love having a chance at these TY!
  5. NwoodsGrower

    Ventilation HELP please

    i'ev often thought of trying to locate the and extend the thermos sensor on an AC how hard was this and any tips as far as what to look for in locating sensor
  6. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    so one GSC and one WW is above ground how long should I wait on other 2 seedlings to sprout before I start thinking about germinating 2 more seeds if these didn't work out. Im gonna run the lights regardless so I should have as many plants as I can under them
  7. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    thanks for the reply if all else fail that's what I was gonna do 1/4 of manufactures recommendation just wanted to see if there was something I might be missing or if any of the nutrients were over board or unnecessary for autos
  8. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    not much interaction here? any info would be appreciated
  9. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    has anyone had experience with theses pretty common nutes was just trying to plan ahead I got 2 ww xxl and 2 gsc (auto) in dirt now and was woundering if anyone had a schedule I could follow or should I just stick to manufacturers recommended and just cut it in 1/2 or 1/4 to start? nutrients I...
  10. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    so I said a small prayer to the weed gods then germinated my seeds its been less then 24 hours and 4 out of 4 of the seeds cracked :hump: question is should I let them germ for a bit longer or throw them in soil now these are autos( tap root is just barley sticking out but its there and seed is...
  11. NwoodsGrower

    Need help vegging autos

    full spec for sure with autos it is a race from when the seed cracks to harvest easy on nutrients more then you would photos till you know your plant can handle it imo
  12. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    I want to test PH of my soil but only have a PH pen how do I test the run off andhow accurate is it?
  13. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    So gonna wanna start germination soon and if anyone has any input on autos but I think they are the same as far as germ I'm just gonna do the paper towel wet not soaked put seed in then put in a zip loc bag and on a tray with heating mat check a few days later if seed popped straight into my 7...
  14. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    thinking of running 4 ladies for now with that stand and ac in there cut my 5x5 down to a 4x5 been trying to research the 2 strains as far as height and size (White Widow xxl and Girl scout cookies) what would you guys do? on a side note temp tests went well after venting tent into my basement...
  15. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    I found the best thing to do is just dive in man.....the water is finebongsmilie got my temps all dialed in with ventilation and such gonna run a few more days as a mock grow check timers temps and such then I'm gonna germ 2 white widow xxl auto and 2 girl scout cookie auto and then let then...
  16. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    looking good, hope to be there soon
  17. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    so ran the tent for 18hrs checking temps and such temp was 72f when I started in tent maxed at 86f and that's with inline fan and a small fan blowing on light no ac little to high and might have to figure a place to run ducting I rent and window faces a busy street so options are limited right...
  18. NwoodsGrower

    Quest of the newbie Grower

    on another note I got the tent all set up and ran some temp numbers ran into some issues hanging the fan and filter I felt as if I was pushing the limit in the cross bars on top so I decided to mount the fan and filter on a small stand inside the tent since I'm being told the 2 300watt lights...