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  1. HookahsGarden

    Puffing in the grow room

    It seems reasonable. Lol
  2. HookahsGarden

    Low Humidity to blame? (DWC grow)

    That's pretty low humidity. But. Those ladies look like they are deficient in phosphorus and several trace elements. I would suspect underfeeding. Best of luck. Peace
  3. HookahsGarden

    Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

    The Force Awakens. 7/10 RIP Han Solo
  4. HookahsGarden

    shrooms cure my stutter

    Haha. Yeah. He scratched up my Ford Escort Go bot pretty good.
  5. HookahsGarden

    shrooms cure my stutter

    One of my best friends who is no longer with us was clinically blind. He had 20/2000 vision from a hereditary stigmata thing. Whole family was like that. One day after a mushroom hunt we each ate a handful of shrooms. Many ,many times we had tripped together. But on this day,this trip, his...
  6. HookahsGarden

    Puffing in the grow room

    I'll hit a few bong tokes in the garden time to time. But when I was learning guerilla growing the hippy that taught me told me pot plants can "smell" and that smoke makes them think there's a fire coming at which point the plant diverts all its energy to the roots as a protective measure...
  7. HookahsGarden

    Should I buy A house with 1/2 acre or 160 acres?

    Mineral/water rights on the 160?
  8. HookahsGarden

    Exploding worldpopulation. Is the creator insane ?

    I don't make boundaries. I try to break them.
  9. HookahsGarden

    Exploding worldpopulation. Is the creator insane ?

    Lol. I can't think of any place more fucked up to be than where we are now. I don't envision a creator who made some burning "hell" to torture souls in. So yeah for me, this is as "hell" as it gets.
  10. HookahsGarden

    oak wardrobe organic grow

    Were there any type of fabric or nylon mesh inside the phresh filter? You know like holding in the carbon dust? I've been thinking about just cooking mine with a blow torch. I bet you just saved $200 by cooking it though. Nice.
  11. HookahsGarden

    Exploding worldpopulation. Is the creator insane ?

    Interesting point about this being our fourth dimension. Truth is, that the atoms we are composed of (carbon) takes 4 cycles of star life to create. So we really are in the 4th state of existance comparitivly speaking. I also personally believe that Noah and family were the sole survivors of...
  12. HookahsGarden

    Exploding worldpopulation. Is the creator insane ?

    It's all good. All souls will be present for the transition to the next level. I'm pretty sure we are all in what christians call hell anyway. We will collectively cross over.
  13. HookahsGarden

    I need help setting up 2 tents for a perpetual harvest

    You can fit (9) 5 gallons in a 4x4 if you have too.
  14. HookahsGarden

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    This thread is where the real fire is! Just a few from the last few years ...
  15. HookahsGarden

    Mad scientist idea

    Keep a plant happy and you can train it to do anything. When I was a gorilla grower I would grow 7-8 foot tall plants , but keep them tied down at ground level along the backside of fences or buildings behind bushes. Plant would finish about 18 inches tall, 2 feet wide, 8 foot long. Fun times.
  16. HookahsGarden

    CSI humboldt thread

    Will do . Here is a different pheno of the UnderdogOgxUrkle, super greasy and smells like candy when You touch her. I'm very happy with the results from Nspecta's feminized seeds so far.
  17. HookahsGarden

    foxtails...i think

    Your are your worst critic. Slow dry it. Jar and burp it a few weeks. Then store it in the dark for 3 months minimum. That's when you judge it. Peace
  18. HookahsGarden

    foxtails...i think

    That looks pretty normal to me. Some strains do it naturally, especially haze strains and chem/haze polyhybrids. Nice job. Peace
  19. HookahsGarden

    What's your favorite porn site search word?

    Currently exploring POV