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  1. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    ok, thanx for the reply. But anyway, i read somewhere that all that was needed for the plant was anywhere from 2500 lumens to 3000 lumens and these lamps produce almost 2000 each. So i figured they would be good for 1 or 2 plants.
  2. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    can someone please help me? I need to know if that light will work.
  3. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    nvm got what you meant. now could someone give me some insight as to whether these bulbs would work? 30 Watt Compact Fluorescents Light Bulb Thanx in advance --Masterchafed
  4. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    Thanx for the welcome, now about the base? What exactly do you mean? The place it is screwed into, and if so, why is this important?
  5. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    I have two flourescent bulbs right now that I will be using, but they are only 10watt each. On the packaging it says that it produces 856 (or somewhere near that) lumens each. Will that be enough for my plant until I can get some stronger ones? Thanks in advance. btw, these are compact...
  6. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    thanks for the quick reply. and im glad to hear that, i have to prepare some bigger pots.
  7. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    I have a quick question for those kind enough to answer. Do you think these pots are big enough to put the seeds in after they germinate and they can grow in until I get read to transplant them? there's a coke can in the background for size reference.
  8. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    sadly no, they are just some bag seeds from a friend of mine.
  9. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    I have an update, I was anxious and just couldnt wait to check on my precious seeds so i went to check on them (and give them a fresh supply of C02 (breath) and i have some good news, two of the five seeds that I have planted have begun to germinate. so far the seed has cracked open slightly and...
  10. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    So here are my precious young seeds, I will begin germinating them tonight, in total there are 17, I will only be germinating 5 for now. Im so happy, can't wait to see what happens edit: added a clearer picture.:hump: --Masterchafed :blsmoke:
  11. M

    My Grow so I can Blow

    Good luck, I will watch your journal as well, sorry to hear bout the cfl burn, hope things start going a little better for you.
  12. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    At the moment it's more of a "see if I can do it" sort of thing. I dont really have the money for an hps but I would definitely take that route if I did. I heard that flourescents work when growing but the problem is how many would i need. 40 watts apparently gives off somewhere between 1000 and...
  13. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    Thanks a bunch, im a complete newbie when it comes to this, and i am trying to read up as much as possible. One other question, If i am only growing say one or two plants will 2 40 watt flourescent bulbs (the curly light bulbs) be enough for my plant(s)? Thanx in advance.
  14. M

    Ima Newbie.. But Everything's Goin Gr8!

    Dissapointing to say the least, i was reading through your journal and was so excited when I saw how your plants were doing, too bad about your girls :( Good luck with your currently vegging ones though.
  15. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    Thanx for the help, looks like I can't get any seeds until today, but better late then never :P So, do I check on them in 48 hours after I put them in teh baggy? Just to be safe?
  16. M

    My Grow so I can Blow

    I'm not an expert, but I would still say to move the plant away from the others just to be safe.
  17. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    no light is needed then? Thanks for everything. Also, can I use a ziplock baggy for it?:D
  18. M

    Finally Going to Try It.

    So, I am finally getting the nerve to try my hand at growing. Today a couple friends of mine are going to bring some seeds, and we will begin the germination process.:hump: I have a quick question though, what do you suggest, starting them off in soil or germinating them in water first?:-...