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  1. dubevoli024

    Harvest time! Alien Dawg!

    Sweet that's kind of what I'm doing but I just got to my technique down. I don't take enough clones and it's hard to fit that many plants in my flowering tent. Right now I have 16 in the tent. Doesn't really looke like a SOG tho lul.
  2. dubevoli024

    Harvest time! Alien Dawg!

    Thanx man! Iv'e chopped two of them down already :weed:. Two more to go. I didn't know it would take so long to trim them O.O
  3. dubevoli024

    Harvest time! Alien Dawg!

    This is a second bump
  4. dubevoli024

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Awesome! No I don't have a microscope, i'v just been going by the overall look of them. I would prefer a more couchlock high.
  5. dubevoli024

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How much longer for these. Alien Dawg, 9 weeks flower. been flushing for two weeks.
  6. dubevoli024

    Harvest time! Alien Dawg!

    This is a bump
  7. dubevoli024

    Harvest time! Alien Dawg!

    Two days in the closet and then I'm cutting them down.
  8. dubevoli024

    Getting ready to harvest Alien Dawg!

    Okay let's try this. My baby's are the last four pics posted to my page here
  9. dubevoli024

    Getting ready to harvest Alien Dawg!

    Sorry if photobucket fucked up the pix
  10. dubevoli024

    Getting ready to harvest Alien Dawg!¤t=6c48598e.jpg&evt=user_media_share¤t=f9beaba2.jpg&evt=user_media_share...
  11. dubevoli024

    Getting ready to harvest Alien Dawg!

    Lul I copied and pasted and it didn't work. I'm ar work on my phone so I can't upload them. Guess I'll have to try again when I get home.
  12. dubevoli024

    Getting ready to harvest Alien Dawg!

    Going in the closet for two day then choppin down.
  13. dubevoli024

    Nute burn in flowering - what are the consequences? (also a Tiger Bloom gripe thread)

    I have the same problem. I'm using the ff nute guide but two out of four have bad nute burn. What's going to happen :(((
  14. dubevoli024

    Alien bubba and alien dawg 1000 watt hps

    maybe its too much water. i water my alien dawg like once a week.
  15. dubevoli024

    Is it the heat?!?!

    Thanks, if i put them in fabric pots would it still be 3 gal?
  16. dubevoli024

    Is it the heat?!?!

    they're starting to look a lot better :-o:-o the green is coming back in. i cut off some of the burned leaves to hopefully help them out.
  17. dubevoli024

    Is it the heat?!?!

    how can i correct the ph? the only way i have to measure ph is the liquid drops and all the colors look the same! i have some baking soda and vinegar on stand by but no real way to measure ph. where can i get a good digital ph meter for cheap?
  18. dubevoli024

    Is it the heat?!?!

    hey got these clones 5 days ago transplanted them 4 days ago at first they were under a couple flourecents and a bunch of CFLs Now they are under one 250w MH lamp. at first when they were under the FL they were drooping and yellowing when i put them under the MH they all perked up but...
  19. dubevoli024

    Need some help please!

    thanx for the comments guys i have them under a 250w MH system right now and have cut back on the nutes and they seem to be doing a little better.