Alien bubba and alien dawg 1000 watt hps

I need help on growing my plants im new at growing and im thinks theres sumthing wrong there not growing as fast as my other outdoor are the details im using grow big 2 tablespoons and i keep them outside for as long as the sun hits it then i bringem inside under the 1000w because i dont wanta be paying for electricity the alien bubba(10inch)is the slower one. Alien dawg(13inch) i water in the morings when i feel the top 2 inches is dry and also the leave kinda point down somtimes...anyones opinion on wut i should do please help me



Active Member
I don't think there's anything wrong. U should get a ph meter and ppm meter to check on the their level. Ph should be around 5.8-6.1 ppm should be around 850 -1100.