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    5 word story

    and emptied the happy sack
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    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    *Walks in.... Reads last few posts..... Throws up in mouth... (Just a little) :neutral: :bigjoint:
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    Hyroot's ROLS No Till

    Your girls are looking damn good. I like that aloe technique too. I have used weeping willow with good results, but since I no longer live next to one, I'm gunna follow your lead on that. Consider me Subbed
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    Tobacco and pepper juice before harvest?

    I would be worried about some leftover spicyness from the peppers too, so I think I'd spray em and turn it all into cannabutter... :shock: I guess it depends on how you feel about eating it afterwards though. :mrgreen:
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    Its sad but true tiptoptoker. A friend of minedied a couple weeks ago, found OD'd in his apartment. Couple weeks before that, two kids under 3yo were found crawling around with their dead mother. Its crazy common, and mind you i only keep track in my area. Th
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    how many plants?

    There is no set number of plants that can be legally grown, as most of the bill is pretty vague. The way it is worded, you can have up to the number of plants it takes to harvest 10oz every 60 days. It might not be hard to argue with four plants in a Scrog, but a 25 plant Sog might look worse...
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    Baywatcher's Basement Blowout

    Well damn, I picked a good time to find your journal. I gotta admit, you've had me hooked since the Alton Brown moment. And then smoked pork and ribs?!? You can consider me subbed. I just got my medi card and was planning to start a Scrog in supersoil in july, but Im really liking the...