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  1. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit 300w LED + ghetto

    No doubt broseph . About the Epson salt,a lot folks use em for their soil mixes and quick fixes for deficiencies. But that cal-mag will do the trick just fine.
  2. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit 300w LED + ghetto

    epsom salt for mag deficiency i believe its a tsp per gallon of water. get that ph meter tho bro. and some ph up and ph down or that epsom salt wont do nothing
  3. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit 300w LED + ghetto

    Well the pH meter I got from amazon for 20$ but if you don't/can't order online next place I'd suggest would be a nursery or a hydro shop. My cousin got his at a pool supply store so that's another option. As far as the deficiencies it could be due to your pH problem as well. Hope this helps
  4. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Total Newbie needs help with temp and humidity system

    what he said ^^^ welcome by the way :bigjoint:
  5. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Anyone running vipar led's ????

    Just got my Vipar 300w in the mail this morning. Cooking my super soil for a month and its off to the races.
  6. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Anyone running vipar led's ????

    Looking super good. Ordered my vipar today. Cant wait. That next run sounds good too bro
  7. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    How much did your first grow yield?

    only one northern lights plant tho
  8. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    How much did your first grow yield?

    27 grams almost an ounce but i learned so damn much
  9. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit 300w LED + ghetto

    Well Medichronic is in this LED subsection hes actually running some VIPAR 400 watt LEDs from ebay and they look pretty legit so far. I was actually thinking about buying some vipar but didnt see anyone use them until yesterday when i saw his thread. Its worth a look tho bro.
  10. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Anyone running vipar led's ????

    I've had my eyes peeled on the Vipars the same exact one too. Looking awesome so far. Gonna be looking into purchasing these soon
  11. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit 300w LED + ghetto

    Wait so what brand light is that 300 watt led? Looks like its working so far
  12. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Going to Redstone College....

    Also where is DTC and where are the foothills as well. I was thinking about boulder as well. any thoughts?
  13. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Going to Redstone College....

    No haven't been before but alot of people i know have been there and they absolutely love it, legal cannabis is a bonus for sure, i just dont want to end up in a strict town. THanks for you input tho guys. Also I have seen alot of apartment complexes with the disclaimer: "100% smoke free...
  14. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Going to Redstone College....

    This is not the first time i've heard this. But i've also heard there are towns that still frown upon MMJ, unfortunately Redstone is in Broomfield which i heard is one of those towns.
  15. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Going to Redstone College....

    Damn No replies tho. :eyesmoke:
  16. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Going to Redstone College....

    Was wondering what the best/worst neighborhoods to live in (crime,cannabis friendly) any help and input would be awesome. Thanks in advance homies
  17. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Apollo Horticulture LEDs? Anybody try em?

    I appreciate the input guys
  18. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Apollo Horticulture LEDs? Anybody try em?

    Small closet grow. My first was cfl figured i tried some led now. 200 watt cfl created too much heat. its a small 3x3 area, organic soil grow, nothing special.
  19. ThurgoodJenkinsSoulbro.

    Apollo Horticulture LEDs? Anybody try em?

    Looking around a bit and I found these of course. 240 watt LED panel dunno if im gonna pull the trigger on this without some RIU criticism :mrgreen: