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  1. Gobias11

    cfl question!

    Definitely do that. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this site, but also a lot that don't know shit so be wary of information you may come across. GrowFAQ is awesome if you have questions about the basics. I would recommend trying to add some more flowering lights, it will help to...
  2. Gobias11

    Serious seeds Bubblegum

    Nevermind, found them in your signature.
  3. Gobias11

    Don't know wat i'm doin :( any advice from hydro growers??

    Looks like you've got a pretty good handle on everything to me. GrowFAQ If you haven't already read through that you should. Shit tons of great information in there.
  4. Gobias11

    What do you use for the last 2 weeks?

    Why would you need a second system for the last 2 weeks? Just finish it out in whatever you begin them in, that's what I do.
  5. Gobias11

    Serious seeds Bubblegum

    Nice, sounds interesting. Do you have any pics or grow journals or anything? I would love to see what one of those looks like when they're all ready to come down.
  6. Gobias11

    cfl question!

    Haha, thanks man. "Gobias, as in 'Go buy us a cup of coffee.'" Arrested Development is the best show ever, I make everyone I know watch it. There is a movie coming out, I can't wait. It wouldn't hurt to add more lights, especially at the 2700k spectrum, that's the one for flowering. A...
  7. Gobias11

    cfl question!

    Not sure on the yield. That's only one plant but I got a lot of light on it so I'm hoping it's anywhere upwards of an oz or 1.5oz. I vegged it for like 6 weeks because it got a little sick in the beginning so it needed an extra week or so to make up for that period of time. But I honestly...
  8. Gobias11

    Serious seeds Bubblegum

    Yeah I've read that because growers are feeding the plants the nutrients the ones stored into the fan leaves are not as important. The reason being that the plants are not in danger of being underfed as nature may have expected. Is this true? I have no fucking idea. It doesn't seem right to...
  9. Gobias11

    Serious seeds Bubblegum

    How would I tie them out of the way without interfering with the buds growing next to them? Do you use like, plastic twist-ties or something? Thanks for the advice man
  10. Gobias11

    Serious seeds Bubblegum

    Haha, yeah man, I read that this plant would stretch the fuck out on me once I hit the flowering stage, but I don't think I'll ever learn that lesson. You're gonna definitely have your hands full come harvest time, that shit is harder work that I thought. This time I got good side lighting...
  11. Gobias11

    cfl question!

    It really depends on how many lights you have. Right now I have 8 85w CFLs on my grow, so it's a pretty good amount of light. 3 of the bulbs are vegetative and 5 are flowering. Here's a link to another post of mine with some pictures: Don't be...
  12. Gobias11

    Serious seeds Bubblegum

    Thanks man. Yeah I read tons of good things about Serious Seeds and I believe it because these things are looking great. Honestly, I'm not really sure what to expect on the yield. That's only one plant but it's pretty damn big, pushing like 3.5ft tall. If I had to, I would ballpark my...
  13. Gobias11

    Serious seeds Bubblegum

    Hey mann, those are looking beautiful man. Want to hear something funny? I'm on my second grow, too. I'm also growing Bubblegum from Serious. I am also roughly 2-3 weeks away from harvest, too. Ha, you can imagine how interested I've been in seeing your progress. Anyways, check mine out...
  14. Gobias11

    Lets see some hydro bud porn pics =D

    This is what I like to hear. I've been growing this Bubblegum plant with Botanicare products. Started with the Pure Blend Pro Grow with the Cal-Mag, then switched to PBP Bloom w/ Cal-Mag and Sweet. Now I'm just flushing with fresh water w/ Sweet. Wow 450ml? That sounds like a lot but this...
  15. Gobias11

    Lets see some hydro bud porn pics =D

    Here's what I got going on at the moment. Bubblegum from Serious Seeds, just started the 7th week of flowering, I believe. Only one female from the batch unfortunately (too bad serious doesn't do feminized), but it's a good size. Using 8 85w CFLs for the grow, 3 are vegetative spectrum, 5 are...
  16. Gobias11

    Dry out plant before harvesting? (Hydro)

    Thanks for the replies, guys. I'll probably just stick to flushing it. Might try the lower water idea, we'll see...
  17. Gobias11

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey guys been trying to read as much of this thread as possible and had a question I was hoping someone could help me with. How much per month does a 150watt or 250watt HPS light cost you when you're on 12/12 lighting? I really want to compliment my CFL grow with an HPS light but want to know...
  18. Gobias11

    Dry out plant before harvesting? (Hydro)

    Hey people, I've read a lot of different posts that recommend drying your plants out some in the days (week?) before harvest. I've read that this is supposed to make the plant go into a heavy trichome production and really make the buds thrive. Anyone ever heard of this or tried it? Does it...
  19. Gobias11

    HPS light advice

    What up people, looking for a little advice if anyone can help. Right now my flowering set up has 8 (4 pairs) of these Dual Spectrum II lights; 3 pairs of grow/bloom bulbs and 1 pair of bloom/bloom bulbs. For CFLs these lights give me some pretty good results. Right now I've got some...
  20. Gobias11

    Adding HPS lights to a CFL grow

    Hey everyone, I've got a hydro CFL grow going on right now of Bubblegum from Serious Seeds. Right now I've got 8 4200 lumen CFLs on the tank right now but I was thinking about adding an HPS light in there for some extra flower-power. From what I've read, it's in the flowering period where HPS...