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  1. W

    Have anyone tried order from Marys Seed

    I wonding if anyone oreder from before .. you get 20 free seed with order :) .. not sure yet
  2. W

    1st Post, 1st Grow

    Nice work !
  3. W

    First time grow. Have a few questions..

    Mircogrow ??????????? Stay away from mircogrow bugs bunch bad shit !!!
  4. W

    how to find a dealer

    Grow your own shit !
  5. W

    whats wrong with my seedling?

    What u put seed in soil or wool ?
  6. W

    Yeah email me the picture ..... peace.. If they dont have root oranics soil let me know i will...

    Yeah email me the picture ..... peace.. If they dont have root oranics soil let me know i will ship them to you ... noone will know :)
  7. W

    how many watts on one outlet?

    I run many wires to once place like blower have own breaker and light have own breaker ...
  8. W

    Dont put eggs shell... if ur using root oragics soil and foxfarm nutes u wont need to worry...

    Dont put eggs shell... if ur using root oragics soil and foxfarm nutes u wont need to worry about ph .. but once u fill up 5 gallon water bottle leave it open for 2 or 3 days the bad chem coming out like vapor ... and water will be perfect :)
  9. W

    Mutie plant or hermie?! Help, please!

    What kind light are u using ?
  10. W

    how many watts on one outlet?

    Should i change amp to 10 to be safe or is it safe with 20 amp breaker ?
  11. W

    how many watts on one outlet?

    the 1000 watts light power supply have 2 opt. 120 v or 240 . it had that reg plugs like house .. is it ok use that plugs or should i change it to one link u shouw me ? i only run 120 v out that power supply the 240 kinda too much for me ..
  12. W

    yo how things going ?

    yo how things going ?
  13. W

    how many watts on one outlet?

    Its not necessarily about the watts, its more about amps. Usually 100 watts is around an amp. Most plugs in the house are rated for 15-20 amps @120 volts. There is sometimes an initial amp increase when starting a device as well. 30 amp lines are 240 volts and are usually connected to large...
  14. W

    yellow leaves/pics

    hit me up if u need me
  15. W

    how many watts on one outlet?

    Dont use 14 gauage wires use 12 or 10 cuz the big number mean smaller wires ...:) i would use those outlet that have own breaker just in case u have 2 breaker :)
  16. W

    Problem- 27 Days into Flowering- Buds hair turning brown?

    I wouldnt worry about it as long it still growing and stay green
  17. W

    About root

    What size pot of soil should u use for indoor .. because i starting seeing the root coming out the bottom of pot .. should i put it in bigger pot or let it stay in 3 gal pot ? what should i do .. any advice ? thanks
  18. W

    Can anyone help . picture here ..

    Wreid that my other friend use mircogrow soil and it look healthier than my hahaha...
  19. W


    Nice grow buddy ! keep up good work ....
  20. W

    Can anyone help . picture here ..

    I got them all but only use bloom and tiger when they are in flower stage right ? the plant u see the pic is the mother that i gonna get clone off... this is my second grow .. first one i fucked it up .. but this one gonna be good for sure .. i like foxfarm better ...