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  1. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    this seed has lived a very rough life so far! it is in a moist paper towel on the dryer with the lights off. if nothing sprouts in...(i dont really know how long to wait)...i willl try that. i dont see it hurting this seed at this point, and it sounds pretty logical. VERY dark, little seed...
  2. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    my seeds are feminized. yes.
  3. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    i also have the 1000w hps for flowering. i just cant seem to get any goddamn seeds started!
  4. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    i dont have the seeds. only a few seeds, and different strands. plan to clone later. possibly, but will the light be a problem for the plants? how much space do you need for five plants?
  5. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    hopefully soon...yes. is this not good, or what?
  6. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    oh, oh, oh, i see. its only been a little while i'll do that now. hopefully it will go good. thank you.
  7. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    thank you guys for such a quick response. its back in a glass of warm water in a dark place. i will wait to see if it starts to root. if not i will place it in the paper towel and try that approach, and see where it goes. once again thanks for the advice. syco
  8. sycoscribble

    germinatiion & watering

    greetings, first time grower here. looking for some help. i have a strand: rocklock. germinated it by placing in a glass of water for approx. 24 hrs. the seed did not grow root or even crack, but sunk. i planted it 1/2 in. to 1 in. deep in organic choice potting mix. watered and placed under 1...
  9. sycoscribble

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    i have well water, which is not good for feeding due to a not so great quality, but a pur 3-stage water filter should take care of all that and be fine shouldnt it? thank you, and sorry if that was asked/answered somewhere else.