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  1. kenc138

    Curing and Getting a Great Smell

    I've been curing my recent White Widow grow for a little over a month now. It hits very smooth and the high is very strong/intense. One thing that's throwing me is the smell. It smells like sappy Christmas tree, not that perfumy, minty smell you get from dispensaries. I was thinking is was...
  2. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    No need to charge the coco. I use half the recommended dosage from the Canna chart at 5.8 PH and have had good results after my initial disaster using Canna with incorrect concentration (overdose). Others will recommend the full concentration. I made the mistake of going full concentration...
  3. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Sounds good, I will focus on that. Dealing with runoff is kind of a PITA.
  4. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    I have been, and my leaves are very dark, almost black. Since then I've just been doing half the recommended concentration. PH and TDS are in the correct ranges in runoff.
  5. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    That's what I was thinking because it seems the numbers being used on RIU only jive with a 0.5 reference.
  6. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    This is what I'm saying. If I calculate his proposed 1.6-1.7 EC I get around 1100-1200 PPM depending on 0.5,0.7, Are you using 500 or 640?
  7. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    We need to start using EC as our only concentration measurement on these forums IMHO. Since PPM can be calculated using 3 different scales (0.5, 0.64, 0.7) PPM references get really confusing.
  8. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    This grow is my first one with Canna and I'm having significant N tox problems. Have you had any issues with Canna and N tox? Also, I've never gone above 1100 ppm total solution!
  9. kenc138

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Keep it going until it tells you that it's dead. Worst case is that you learn something from this, but honestly, I'm sure it's fine, just slow AF. I've had some beans do this and they always come around eventually. Just let her be.
  10. kenc138

    Is this MOLD?

    THIS is mold.
  11. kenc138

    Wrinkled crunchy green leaves? Pics

    How are you measuring your PH? Solution or digital meter? In my experience, FFOF is very hot. My first 2 unsuccessful grows were due to using FFOF with their nutrient line. Completely baked my plants. If I were to ever use FFOF again, I would use the soil as a standalone solution and...
  12. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Wanted to add an update. I was using the GH PH testing kit instead of a high quality meter. BIG mistake. Turns out my PH was way below hydro range and this explains all the problems with my plants. I got a solid 5.8 with my meter, and the GH tester was 7! So before the meter, I was PH...
  13. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Good stuff, thanks.
  14. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    I'm growing white widow at the moment. I've read other growers feeding these guys without issue. I on the other hand have had nothing but problems since moving to flower. What I don't understand about canna A+B is why they always have to be used together. For example, I currently have an N...
  15. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    OK, that's a different one then I've been using. I'll use this going forward. Interesting though, I've been feeding at 5ml/gal and my plants almost turned black third week in flower.
  16. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Interesting. I'm using their calculator and when I plug in my values, they get as high 1800. Can you link the chart you're using? Maybe I'm using an outdated one, or worse, a broken calculator. Is this the one you're using...
  17. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    That's what I'll be doing for the rest of this grow and and the next. Specifically watch out for N toxicity and bending leaf margins. My only signs of trouble were the nitrogen claw, really dark leaves and rippled leaf margins. I didn't have any yellowing, so I thought I was OK, but my plants...
  18. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Yes, and the Cannazym promotes the reduction of dead roots. It's a good option if you're going to reuse the coco.
  19. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    From recent experience, I would suggest avoiding the Canna chart in terms of dosage, and use it as a general guide. I used the recommended amounts on the schedule and got serious N toxicity. I flushed and dialed it back by half, and the got N tox again. I'm now working on 1/4 the amount. We...
  20. kenc138

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    This is what happened to me. I saw a video where a guy had really nice plants and he was hitting them 15ml/gallon every watering so I thought sweet, I'll do that. Turned my plants very dark green and caused all kinds of N tox problems. I've read from other growers that with Canna A+B, less is...