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  1. kenc138

    Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!

    "I let mine hang dry for about 5-6 days the slower you can dry the better. What's your humidity like where your drying? 2 days is pretty quick." In CO during the winter humidity is like 15% which is why I don't let them hang dry for more than 2 days. During the summer, you can expect 65% in...
  2. kenc138

    Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!

    "chop whole plant and dry till stem snaps" This is something I haven't done. I usually wait until until they're dry, but not snapping. I'll change that for the next harvest.
  3. kenc138

    Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!

    hahah no worries. I appreciate the input anyway. Guess it just comes with experience. Are you doing soil grows? Hydro?
  4. kenc138

    Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!

    "The longer I let them cure, the mellower the smoke usually." This is what I've read and heard too, but it's not my experience. I smoked some last night that has been curing at 60% for almost 4 months, and I haven't coughed that hard in years.
  5. kenc138

    Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!

    Hey Anzo, Love the avatar <3 Guess I jumped the gun a bit. I was concerned that the moisture would be lost if I let it hang any longer (can't get moisture back), so I transferred to jars and figured I'd monitor the humidity that way. I guess the initial hang up is pretty important?
  6. kenc138

    Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!

    Hey Jonas, Master Kush and Jock Horror. Longer than 2 days eh? First I'm hearing of this. Maybe that's my issue.
  7. kenc138

    Following the Curing Rules, But My Weed Sucks!

    Hey everyone, I’ve completed 4 grows now, but keep running up against EXTREMELY harsh weed. I need help before my next harvest in 2 months. My process has been this: Purely organic (subcool’s recipe), ZERO NUTES. I chop down when the trichomes are where I want them, let hang until dry...
  8. kenc138

    First Harvest - Need Some Experienced Eyes for Harvest ETA

    Good call, I'll try just that and post updates. Thx again.
  9. kenc138

    First Harvest - Need Some Experienced Eyes for Harvest ETA

    Hi roormaster, thanks. Nope, just took the pics in the kitchen lol the grow is in the closet. I'm wondering what you said about the buds hiding from the light. Would it make sense to harvest the top cola now in order to let the rest of the plant mature? I wanted to put the entire plant in...
  10. kenc138

    First Harvest - Need Some Experienced Eyes for Harvest ETA

    Hey OutdoorGrowin, thanks for the reply! I'll keep any eye out for the next week or so and post updates.
  11. kenc138

    First Harvest - Need Some Experienced Eyes for Harvest ETA

    Hi everyone, This is my 4th grow, but my first successful grow. It is Aurora Indica, and I'm on day 60 of flower (about 8.5 weeks). Trichomes Amber trichomes on sugar leaves only, mostly very milky on buds but some have clear bubbles in the milky head. Swelling/Calyxes The buds noticeably...
  12. kenc138

    Another Funky Leaf Thread (burn or deficiency?)

    Thanks BUDS, never even thought salts could be an issue. I'll look into it. Good to know, thanks chairroller. Hi Allen, not much at all. As I recall, about 2 Tbsp of lime for a 3 gallon smart pot. Good to know about the purple petioles, I was starting to wonder about possible N issues as...
  13. kenc138

    Another Funky Leaf Thread (burn or deficiency?)

    Hey everyone, I'm working on my fourth grow right now (Master Kush), and I'm starting to see symptoms that I cannot seem to sort out. Here are the pics. It was a bit dark, so look hard. Growing indoor or outdoors: Indoor Watering schedule: This plant gulps it down, so every other day...
  14. kenc138

    Floppy, Weak Branches

    Hi everyone, Current grow is Maui Wowie and we are 2 months in to flowering. Everything has been amazing with this plant, but today I noticed several branches are flimsy and flopping over. Soil moisture is normal, PH is neutral. I've also noticed pistils dying on these branches, yet the...
  15. kenc138

    Droopy Female

    Thanks, topfuel! First grow, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Cant wait till harvest.
  16. kenc138

    Droopy Female

    As an update to this thread..... Examining the plant further, I noticed she had multiple leaves that were showing nute burn (N claw and yellowing of some leaf tips). I found this very odd since I've been going super easy on the nutes (once per week, half the recommended strength). I gave her...
  17. kenc138

    Droopy Female

    Actually, now that I think about it, I had the fan off for most of the day (forgot to turn it on), and also recently, I've cut fresh air a bit in favor of sealing off some light leaks in the dark room. I think you may be on to something :) Also, I added 2 more 65W lights and removed another...
  18. kenc138

    Droopy Female

    Any ideas what is wrong with this thing? I'm using Fox Farm trio at half strength, once per week following the feeding schedule. I checked the PH and it was good, moisture was perfect, and the plant has 300 real watts all to itself. It's always looked awesome, but since pistils started...
  19. kenc138

    Flowering Question

    I think there is some confusion. The male was removed the other day. The plants spent ~3 weeks at 18/6, then 4 weeks in 12/12. The preflowers just started to definitively show sex yesterday. GrowinDad, if they aren't preflowers, what are they? They don't appear to be new foliage growth...
  20. kenc138

    Flowering Question

    Hey Ring, I threw them into flower very early probably 2 weeks after sprouting from seed. When they hit 12/12 they grew FAST for 4 weeks and now they've finally got preflowers. Are you saying that there is more growth (2-3 times more) to be expected? If so, that's going to be crazy on my...