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  1. Northofimjin

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Thank you... appreciate that. And thank you all for your service. It's because of men like you that we have the freedom (in some states) to medicate and grow our own medicine. Among to many other things to list. I truly thank you.
  2. Northofimjin

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Sgt Holloman here... served with 10th Mountain in Mogadishu and Haiti... did a year I Korea. I was in the Infantry 8 years. Good to be in you men's company...
  3. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Thanks man... I use the barn for trimming/drying and it helps to shield the patch from anyone driving by or walking up.
  4. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Cali Luv...
  5. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Is that enough to cut my teeth on?
  6. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Ok, there's some outdoor for ya. Thats a couple of monster Berry White colas. And the crop guardian.
  7. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

  8. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Thanks, yeah... Sorry about that. I realised your comment was for him after I posted. But, It's show and tell which is what I sorta started off doing and got side tracked. lol. I moved some plants outside today for some sun... does that count?
  9. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    The stippling and black dots of feces under some lower leaves made me think it was thrips.
  10. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    How could I tell the difference? The little things are tiny and hard to even see. But I had lots of stippling and their little black dots of feces on some back leaves. Looked like someone overstayed the leaves with spray paint. But I swear that them attacking that insignificant lower bud helped...
  11. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    I started with just those two but with the plan in mind to increase the numbers with each cycle. So I'm moving seven into flower after these two are done. Five hydro and two soil. Then after that I have 20 baby clones all going in hydro. So... That's the plan anyway. I'm doing some nice Indica I...
  12. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    lol, thanks for the advice. The pics look that way because I took them under my 1000 watt hps. The dang thing is so bright it blacks out the camera with weird black vertical stripes and makes it look all orange. Hard as check to even get a decent pic of them. But... you know your stuff that's...
  13. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    [QE="FLkeys1, post: 11843476, member: 875279"]Since I switched to LED lights every plant is showing more compact growth. I was using a 600w has bulb.. Switch to LED, they work great!! I plan on getting at least two led panels to supplement the hps. Not really sure yet which are the best or the...
  14. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Has anyone grown gsc and learned how to control this stretch? It's crazy. It's worrying me that they might not fill in. I have two gsc in soil 5 gallon buckets. Giving them 1/2 tsp Dyna-gro bloom, Ph 6.5, 1tsp molasses per gallon under 1000 watt hps. They are 3 days into their fourth week of...
  15. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Here's a few more...
  16. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Has anyone grown gsc and learned how to control this stretch? It's crazy. It's worrying me that they might not fill in. I have two gsc in soil 5 gallon buckets. Giving them 1/2 tsp Dyna-gro bloom, Ph 6.5, 1tsp molasses per gallon under 1000 watt hps. They are 3 days into their fourth week of...
  17. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    This is my girl scout cookies 19 days into flower. Feeding her Dyna gro Bloom and Grandmas Molasses. Not even week three and already getting pretty frosty.
  18. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    This clone is 11 days old!! Look at the roots on that thing! I love Indica!! lol
  19. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    I'm in Stockton, not too far away I think. Isn't Woodland Hills by Sac?
  20. Northofimjin

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    That greenhouse is sick... I want one! :oP