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  1. nanaimosco

    An entire 24 inch lower branch has gone basically a creamy color and died

    apparently he helped a yellowing fan leaf by cutting it off. That in turn shocked the branch into thinking it wasn't going to get enough light. The same thing happened to him on another plant too, so this is now proven in my books. Message: Don't Fuck with Fan Leafs.
  2. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    apparently he helped a yellowing fan leaf by cutting it off. That in turn shocked the branch into thinking it wasn't going to get enough light. The same thing happened to him on another plant too, so this is now proven in my books. Message: Don't Fuck with Fan Leafs.
  3. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    GOOD NEWS! gotta another female maybe 2 more. Three out of four would be great. Tallest is 32 inches now, next is 30, 28 and 20 inches. I'm thinking of losing the small one, but I couldn't until I know its sex Not alot of bug damage, minimal really. I fight off the spider mites one by one as I...
  4. nanaimosco

    An entire 24 inch lower branch has gone basically a creamy color and died

    that above part said "he doesn't over water the plant" and takes good care of it.
  5. nanaimosco

    An entire 24 inch lower branch has gone basically a creamy color and died

    THe plant is a 5 foot Kush, started in April. Its in biocanna soil and got GH 3 part up untill 2 weeks ago, when the dude thought it would be a good idea to switch to some 20 20 20 MG. I wonder if that is the problem. He doesn't ever water, adn the rest of the plant looks good. It should be...
  6. nanaimosco

    EMERGENCY! Leaves turning very white on indoor flowering plants taken outside

    I have an important question about an entire 24 inch branch going cream colored, not totally white. It just wilted and is basically dead. We have now flushed the plant. Could it be from switching to MC from General Hydro's 3 part. I think its a lock up of sorts, not a disease. I insisited the...
  7. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    This is from yesterday
  8. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    These were started from seed on June 16 and grown entirely with natural light. You're right, it has been a poor summer here on the island, although we have got some sun as of late which was good. I use Shultz 20-30-20 on top of that MG Moisture control soil... well I did as of yesterday. I...
  9. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    PRE FLOWERS TODAY!! Im fucking elated. and to top off it was my biggest healthiest plant!
  10. nanaimosco

    Southern Ontario (Canada) backyard grow - flowering?

    I am on Vancouver Island and have not seen any flowering yet. My dads plants were started in April indoors, have been outdoors since May, and still show nothing either way. Question: How long will they need at a minimum to flower and produce medium grade pot..... 6 or 7 weeks???
  11. nanaimosco

    Concerns about flowering

    I have the same issue. My plants went outside on June 16 when they were about 4 or 5 inches tall from seed. They are over 2 feet now and are not flowering yet. Will it be too late in the season for them to fully produce? I am on Vancouver Island.
  12. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    Thanks man, although I could have easily burnt them, I started with 1\4 strength ferts only a month after transplanting into the MG MC soil. No issues yet. It has still only been 2 months and I use basically full strength ferts now. So it is possible to introduce ferts to MG after less than the...
  13. nanaimosco

    Nanaimo Guerrila Grow

    I guess I posted pics onto another thread. Here are the newest pictures The biggest hit 27 inches, the other 3 are 22, 24 and 17 inches
  14. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    Not too bad for MG soil.
  15. nanaimosco

    BC outdoor grow still growing

    4 plants in Nanaimo BC. (See Nanaimo guerrilla grow):leaf:
  16. nanaimosco

    Nanaimo Guerrila Grow

    Slower this week. 5 and 1\2 inches in 8 days for the biggest one. She's now 27 inches, with the others at 22, 24 and 18 inches respectively
  17. nanaimosco

    Nanaimo Guerrila Grow

    7.5 inches in 5 days! I am happy with that. What do you think?
  18. nanaimosco

    Nanaimo Guerrila Grow

    15 inches was a poor guess, the biggest hit 21.5 inches today! Looking lush, lots of new growth.
  19. nanaimosco

    Nanaimo Guerrila Grow

    Off to see the girls. Will post new pics in an hour or two. It has been hot on the island this week. Any guesses on height??. I will guess 15.5 inches at the tallest and 12.5 at the smallest.