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  1. kekapena

    Bad Dreams

    ... It's also commonly associated with marijuana use as much as it is marijuana withdrawals. I've known people who smoked 15-20 years & suddenly became paranoid on a particular strain or smoking altogether. It's almost like a fucking stoner curse if it happens to you. But, I'm sure if it's...
  2. kekapena

    There, their, and they're

    Wasn't really responding to you lol - but yes, like I said, I agree that "wuz up wit diz" is not cool, at all. Lol. I completely understand where your coming from though dude lol.
  3. kekapena

    There, their, and they're

    teh fatc of teh matetr is a stduy shwos we cna evne READ POSTS jsut lkie thsi one. Therefore, I highly doubt someone won't understand something if you put "there" instead of "their" will they? Probably not. I for one, am another person who tends to use more proper spelling & punctuation then...
  4. kekapena

    Any hunters around here?

    @The*Mad*Hatter: What is that Hatter from? Never seen that image, or don't think so at least.
  5. kekapena

    1978 Original Hacky Sack

    Nice find! Lol. Us too... us too.
  6. kekapena

    Where do cops buy all their steroids?

    Look up the numbers (if available) of "evidence" lost or "misplaced" in a department evidence room. Unrecorded evidence or lost evidence is normal within departments, it isn't hard to walk in & out with that stuff. I would imagine when they do they're monthly raids on meth, coke, pharmacy, weed...
  7. kekapena

    Marijuana dreams

    I get dreams involving weed. But not vivid dreams like that involving weed. The most, I guess surreal dream I've had, was traveling through a cave on a boat, but the cave was really, really narrow & the boat barely fit so it was on course the entire ride. The boat was like an escape type boat...
  8. kekapena

    RIU Fantasy football?

    why not a draft like, tonight?
  9. kekapena

    stupid drivers in this town..

    Well yeah, I understand that, I thought you were implying that you've taken some damage over a length of time from these assholes. My "high" misinterpretation lol. But that's a cool way to think dude, I'm the same way, not trying to ruin anyone's life over small shit, karma can suck.
  10. kekapena

    Crazy Moments in Retrospect

    In my area we have a back-road, also known as a boonie or "the cuts". This particular road is unofficially named "Rollercoaster Road" because of the way the road consistently goes up/downhill like a rollercoaster every few seconds. It's an extremely dangerous & cautioned road to drive. I had...
  11. kekapena

    stupid drivers in this town..

    At the same time, whether they say money buys happiness or not, it certainly can buy you a longer life. So in some cases, suing might be the appropriate method of action, it's going to suck when your 55+ years old & the medical problems from your earlier hits start to soak in. You can get those...
  12. kekapena

    RIU Fantasy football?

    I'm down to start a league. But have to act quick, before the REAL league officially starts.
  13. kekapena

    stupid drivers in this town..

    I would seriously take the advice of D.H. because that's pretty much what I was going to say.