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  1. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    often tought the same slipper, i work in places the public dont get to see, and lad theres places that are well underground and hidden, secret rooms in buildings etc, always first thing i think is this would be epic for a grow...
  2. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    bahahaha.....judgeing me hahaha...
  3. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    on about your take aways.... sitting down now to a pizza i put in oven like an hour ago.. forgot all about it hahahahaaha... still eat it tho...
  4. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    evening all..... spud that looks a tidy little fan, and did i read the price right...fuck me thats a steal...
  5. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    wouldnt know, i do be lost in them places, hate even going near them.. love them wharehouse places, buy in bulk ... they dont ask why your buying a shit load of compost or pots.. well suppose neither does the local grow shop hahahahaha... off to the leaba catch you tomorrow dude..
  6. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    she shops here, bits from everywhere, but there my aldi ham on the sambos like...
  7. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    started at 6, had 2 8 metre bottles poured and screeded by 10, footpaths, pain in the arse to pour have to keep moveing the truck as there not continous... off to different site then to cut and knock walls fit an rsj and clean up... home then to spray off the shed again and some tidying, made...
  8. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i`m a creature of habit slipper... like brennans bread, avonmore milk, and lyons tea... anything else is muck... but lyons do earl grey now so i`ll give it a try
  9. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ww is a classic, blue venom.... that sounds intresting.. great name, take it its a colour pheno..
  10. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    nearly my bedtime but might get an episode of shameless usa in, love it... missed the hunted tonight, on c4, crackin bit of tele that...
  11. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    lyons.... has to be lyons tea, used to get the kenya blend, thats the black box but cant find them for the last ages... and the stove is blazeing here aswell..
  12. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i know... is it too much too ask for a strain that will grow easy,resillient too def`s, bugs, cold, etc and faster than 50 plus days .... quantity he says... fuck if i could yeild a few oz right now i`d think i was yer man corvantes or whatever his name is..
  13. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    true, but its a cheap way to produce lumens...
  14. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    nice little setup you have, decent wattage ffor cfl aswell, at 25 days if your not really sure of your soil i`d feed them a little...
  15. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    case of too much of a good thing...hahahahaaha.... have to say i would not have the patience to keep track of that many strains, and managing them late flower..
  16. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    how many strains have you going? you popped them like smarties hahahaha 2 is about as many as i like at the one time..
  17. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ah i`ve a feild of beans but clones are always welcome.. i know theres a good fairy about...;)
  18. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ah yeah no point jumping in the deep end, but i remeber starting off, just wanting to use all my newly learned knowledge... as in stuff i just read, took me a few grows to really get it, and few more to really learn hahahaha... i`m starting off from beans so slow as a wet week right now, but...
  19. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    yeah its something im guilty of forgetting myself at times, jst let them get on with it... we lost kit ... her spicey pepper must have yeilded...
  20. ae86 grower

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    yeah more light... what wattage are your bulbs... are they 6500k or 2700k... your grow space is small but great things have come from small grow rooms... your soil, what mix are you useing, compost, perlite or any drainage stone etc... that said, there nice and green all be it a bit pale...