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  1. cantbereal

    Warning Posting Jpg files

    I some advice on posting jpg files. You should remove the exif info. I don’t know if the posters know but some jpg store the camera make and serial. Some now store the GPS loc :idea: of where the photo was taken. The easiest way for most of you to remove this is to view in windows, copy to clip...
  2. cantbereal

    Homebrew Beer w/ Marijuana Recipes

    My batch of beer is finished and holy shit. One beer totally fucked me up. It took about two hours for the buzz to hit, not sure why but it last a good 5 hours for all of us. Some say it was there most fucked up ever. I changed a little after reading some on the use Vodka. I soaked for thirty...
  3. cantbereal

    Anyone had a problem with deer?

    I had deer beding right next to mine and they didn't touch them. Once the plant gets big enough to smell I think they leave it alone.
  4. cantbereal

    Homebrew Beer w/ Marijuana Recipes

    can't tell for thirty days. Sampled it going into the secondary and it was good. The big test is after it been in a bottle for a while, if it if flat then I killed the yeast, a little head then I wait longer, too much head and I know I bottled it before it was done fermenting. Could use one now...
  5. cantbereal

    Homebrew Beer w/ Marijuana Recipes

    I made a few batches. The best buzz is when I brew a 5 gal batch I add 1/2 oz pot oil ( same as cooking ) in secondary, 1 oz of Vodka 100 proof ( 1/2 oz good smoke -soaked for 30 days ) per 16 oz at bottling. This only works with Belgian yeast, most yeast dies at 5%, check yeast for high %, I...