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  1. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    Hey snutter thnx for the compliment! The lights are not yet on movers or motors to raise and lower but that can easily be accomplished. Initially I am trying to automate aspects that need to be monitored daily such as ph and temp and humidity and such. Once i get everything dialed in then we...
  2. danksmoker77

    VictorVIcious NorthernBerry in hempy bucket

    Dang Earl those girls are lookin stout. I am very interested in hearing more about the nutes causing the buds to not dank up. I also use AN nutes and am trying to learn the proper ppm's regimen. At what stage do you believe it is good to start cutting back the nutes. I always thought it was just...
  3. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    thnx for your info on the nutes, i talk to advanced nutes all the time and still cant get a clear answer from them on what ppm should actually be.
  4. danksmoker77

    PLC Automated Super Lemon Haze, White Russian, Utopia Haze

    Last night applied a foliar feeding of jumpstart at 30ml/l and some b-52 at 2 ml/l. Applied at lights off. Seemed to cause some perkiness to show in the snow white mother plant i was given. The grand daddy purp mother is continuing to show a serious deficiency that i cannot diagnose. She was...
  5. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    So, the question of the day is on cloning. I have recently taken my first clones from two mothers my friend gave me. I took these now as a sort of practice for the girls I started. If everything goes well i will stick with my current methos of takin a cutting, dippin it in rotting gej, and then...
  6. danksmoker77

    Bucket heads TGA Querkle & Serious Ak47 Frosty Winter Buds

    Hey bucket thanks for the flowerin advice I think im gonna take u up on that. I aint scared lets get these babies flowerin. And believe it or not two weeks ago the same lovely female i left the last house for has again made her way back in. And as far as your last op being taken, fffffffff that...
  7. danksmoker77

    Bucket heads TGA Querkle & Serious Ak47 Frosty Winter Buds

    hey bucket long time no see. i was following your last grow till my girlfriend flipped the f out and i eneded up tearing down my op and moving back to where i grew up. But now all is well, i got a bigger house. an awesome hidden room behind false wall in basement, shits on and poppin!!! U must...
  8. danksmoker77

    PLC Automated Super Lemon Haze, White Russian, Utopia Haze

    hey spliff thnx for the support, the setup cost were not all that high. but it definitely hasnt been cheap. I am going to sit down some day and try to get an idea of my costs. The truth is that I cant put a price on the joy this little green plant brings to my life. It is priceless to me.
  9. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    thnx for the +rep topher, I do agree that 100% auto isnt quite there yet but i will b ready when it gets there!!!
  10. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    it makes a lil sense airwaves its just a metaphor to express that there was a point to it all. and heck yeah were talkin 100% autmation. That is ideally the goal if it is feasible. In reality if it is possible it would be great.
  11. danksmoker77

    PLC Automated Super Lemon Haze, White Russian, Utopia Haze

    Today I will apply a foliar feeding of JumpStart and B-52 as soon as lights go out. Foliar feeding should always be applied with lights out so u dont nute burn spots on the leaves. Once every two weeks. I have been changin my res weekly, and adjusting the ph down to 5.6 once it rises to 7.5...
  12. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    Saying theres no point is like saying if you take the seeds outta shwag weed it gets u high!!!!! its just not true! Shwag dont get you high
  13. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    airwaves the point is that things such as res changes ppm and ph can all also be automated. With the computer control every aspect can eventually be automated. Timers and thermostats cant be controlled or monitored from remote locations. The point is its better than timers and thermostats. Im...
  14. danksmoker77

    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    SOG long time no see!! been a while since ive read your journals, your doing great. I love that with a little reading I can learn almost everything I need to know with no questions asked. I am also an innovator and have engineered my own design for a grow op. Keep up the good work
  15. danksmoker77

    PLC Automated Super Lemon Haze, White Russian, Utopia Haze

    thnx for the support blaze
  16. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    Thnx for the welcome dst and feel free to chime in anytime. I have gained an enormous amount of knowledge from reading re-reading and then reading some more here on riu so i am more than willing to help others as they have helped me.
  17. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    thanks mcgician!! The idea is quality not quanity!!! Yet anyway. It seems to me that i should gain a little knowledge before the grow area geets larger. Also, u gots to have some clones or lots of seedlings for a big op, makes sense to me to start small, find a couple good strains and weed out...
  18. danksmoker77

    Dont miss this one!!!! Computer controlled Grow

    Well its kinda like this, u can have all the knowledge and ability in the world, but if u start smoking things u shouldnt be smokin u might find that 10 years of your life have passed u by. Seiously i been plannin this my whole life, it just took gettin off the hardcore drugs and takin my ass to...