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  1. S

    Is a 200 cfm can fan enough?

    Perfect. Thanks guys; that's exactly what I was hoping to hear. Seems like a lot of people on here use 6" - 8" fans that are cranking 400 to 500 cfm, even for really small grows. I'm just wanting something that works without buying a lot of new stuff.
  2. S

    Is a 200 cfm can fan enough?

    Do you mean hold it up to the filter? I've got one of the canister type charcoal filters, like a tube with intake all around 360 degrees.
  3. S

    Is a 200 cfm can fan enough?

    I'm setting up a new space. A small closet 2' x 6' x 8' tall. I have currently set it up with flourescents and and a 200 cfm can fan with a charcoal filter. Works great as-is. My question is: Can I add a 400watt HPS with a cooltube after the filter? Or would I need a larger fan? I have air...
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    An Idiot's Guide to Hempy

    I'm using 6 liter Airpots with a 60/40 perlite/vermiculite mix, sitting in buckets just a slightly larger diameter than the Airpots. The larger containers have been cut down to 3" tall. When I water from the top, I just fill until there is 2" of water in the bottoom of the larger bucket. I'm...
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    can I save mixed nutrients?

    If I pre-mix a couple gallons of nutes, can I save some of the mixture for a few days or does it go bad? I'm starting some hempy buckets and I need such a small amount of nutrient mix at this point, that I find myself mixing it by the quart and it would be way easier in larger quantities.
  6. S

    whats the highest potency but easy to grow?

    Nice! Sounds pretty sweet. I found a lot of info on LA Confidential....but I can't find any seed bank that actually has it in stock. Anyone know a source? Any other ideas on strains?
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    opinions on best strain for easy-grow + potency

    I'm not sure where to post this, so I doubled it up. I posted in "Newbies", but I'm growing hydro. What are some opinions on the best strains to grow for high potency, but with a respectable yield of course? I hear some people talk about super high THC levels, but with plants producing pretty...
  8. S

    whats the highest potency but easy to grow?

    Potency with a respectable yield of course. I hear some people talk about super high THC levels, but with plants producing pretty small yields. I did some AK47 that was awesome production-wise, but could've been more potent; In the same grow, I some Afghan Kush that seemed way strong with...
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    Fox Farm's "Don't Bug Me"

    So I have pretty bad Thrips in a newer crop. I bought this Fox Farm pyrethren based stuff that my hydro shop was pushing. Seems to kill them well as turn the plants a nasty brown. I hit them twice a week with a quick mist for the past couple of weeks and it looks like the pests...
  10. S

    how long can the budding continue??

    It continued to make new nodes and grew vegetatively (though only slightly) through the bud cycle, so I'm just wondering if it keeps going. It still is putting out vegetative growth currently. There's no light leak, it's a closet inside of a 100% dark closet.
  11. S

    how long can the budding continue??

    I have some Alaskan Ice in hydro. I cloned some clones, vegged for a month or so, put them in to bud and the temps got so freakin hot that very little budding occurred. I'm in the 7th week of a 9 week cycle. It was in the mid 90's continuously. What few, sparse, heat strained buds it's been...
  12. S

    Hellllp!!! why plants NOT budding in 12/12?

    There could be a small light leak. I just never imagined it could be much more significant than natural moonlight, and never thought there could be an effect from such a small amount of light. What's got me surprised is why are the ones in the Hempy pots budding and the straight hydro plants...
  13. S

    Hellllp!!! why plants NOT budding in 12/12?

    I've got Alaskan Ice clones about 3 months old. 8 I did in a hydro setup, 4 I did in hempy pots with perlite/vermiculite. It's supposedly a 9-10 week bud cycle. I put these all under 12/12 lighting 5 weeks ago. The hempy plants are looking good, stopped vegging, and filling out nicely. The...
  14. S

    What is this chalky look in the leaves?

    Definately not mildew or anything on the leaves. The color change is in the leaf itself. I started using H2O2 a couple weeks back and I noticed it turned my brand new fresh nute water from the usual tea color to crystal clear. I'm using 29% at about 7ml per gallon twice a week. Could that be it?
  15. S

    What is this chalky look in the leaves?

    All hydro, 2 x 6 closet, 600w of flouresc tubes from all directions, 80 degrees constant, solid air flow. I'm in the 3rd week of flower with the same nutes I've been running for 2 months. All looked great until last few days, now I'm getting a slight chalky look to most previously lush green...
  16. S

    Growing in super hot weather

    It'll affect amount of bud, that's for sure. However, it can be done at high temps. I'm indoor now, but last year I had some outdoor AK47 that turned out really nice. Went through the entire Arizona summer....I'm talking 115 degrees at times. I had some tomato cloth partially covering it at...
  17. S

    2 weeks into 12/12, no sign of bud

    Nah, sorry I wasn't clear. What I did was..... I put cuttings into a cloner, after a couple weeks, got roots going. I let them veg for about 6 weeks after seeing developed roots. Plants look healthy as hell, growing like crazy. Then after 6 weeks of veg....put them into 12/12 in a larger hydrobox.
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    How Hot Is Too Hot?

    It depends on the strain. I live in AZ. I'm indoor now, but last summer I had some thriving healthy AK47 that went all summer. Yes, you read that right. 110 in the worst part of late June. I had to get some tomato cloth and rely on indirect sunlight for about 4 - 6 weeks. I'm sure the...
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    2 weeks into 12/12, no sign of bud

    I've got Alaskan Ice clones in hydro. Went from 18/6 in a cloner, to 12/12 in the same juice. Not my first grow, but my first grow with this strain. Could it take that long to show? It's supposed to be a 9 week bud total. Any Ideas, advice?
  20. S

    newbie problem

    I'll get some pics, but the pics look like a lot of the basic stuff. it's indoors (closet). I have all flourescent. A LOT. space is 2' wide x 4' long I've got (6) 40w tubes on top and (2) 40w tubes on each side. All 4' tubes. great ventilation, awsome fan setup, constant 80-85 degrees. started...