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    Is it possible to over cool COBs? Liquid cooling

    I'm using Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 lp heatainks for cooling CXB3070 at 1.9-2.1A (whatever the driver puts out at certain temperature). Picked those for the ease of mounting. You can put your finger on the copper base if the heatsink or base if the cob at any given time and you'll barely feel...
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Can Chickenpox Vaccine Cause Injury and Death? Yes. Between March 1995 and July 1998, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) received 6, 574 reports of health problems after chickenpox vaccination. That translates into 67.5 adverse events per 100,000 doses of vaccine or one...
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Try harder Reported complications from chickenpox vaccine include shock, seizures, brain inflammation (encephalitis), thrombocytopenia (blood disorder), Guillian Barre syndrome, death and infection with vaccine strain chickenpox or...
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Chicken pox and shingles are cause by the very same virus varicella zoster (shingles = herpes zoster). You will get herpes zoster being vaccinated or had the chicken pox and you can't prevent it. The only problem is a child is gonna have much less trouble going through a CHILD DISEASE than an...
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Wanna go on about FDA?
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Sure, anything that doesn't comply with your beliefs is conspiracy theory. Awesome fucking argument!
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    You affraid to look into the truths eyes? Or just to blind and brainwashed?
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    CDC and FDA you say?
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Did you know there is a genetic basis for some adverse reactions to the smallpox vaccine? “Genetic polymorphisms in genes expressing an enzyme previously associated with adverse reactions to a variety of pharmacologic agents (MTHFR) and an immunological transcription factor (IRF1) were...
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Someone vaccinated can also be a vector for that same disease and transfer it to others, unvaccinated. Like for example your fresly vaccinated child between bunch of newborns. That's how you get outbreaks of whooping cough or measles.
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Funny ain't it how convenient it is when you get two diseases that have almost identical symptoms but are called differently? Did you know that viruses and bacteria mutate in the nature? Did you know that viruses in vaccines have been used for the past 50 years without any alternation? So how...
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    You dumb ass they all had mumps
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    Explain the breakout of mumps on the ship between 100% vaccinated population. How comes Ukraine had under 5000 cases of measels when vax rates were under 50% few years agoand have over 40k cases now when rates are at about 95%. You ever took a time and had a look what is in vaccines? Like...
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy

    One book? There are over 1200 studies proving vaccines are more dangerous than there's benefits to them.
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy
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    Vaccinations go against everything that is holy
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    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Baked Beanz - Wedding Cake x Gelato 33 x Dosido (not the one in the post above)
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    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Baked Beanz - Wedding Cake x Gelato 33 x Dosido grown in a 1.5l pot
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    Alibaba lm561c orders legit?

    He got 50 just like me because it's the minimum fucking order with mufue