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  1. 1KTrees

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    175w over 5sqft will be about 19 par watts which is good. With good environment you should hit nice yields for sure.
  2. 1KTrees

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Looks like I found the right thread.... I believe 2 QB can be series on an HLG-320H C1400 for 320+ watts. If I decide to double my boards for better coverage, can I hook up 2 sets in parallel with each board pulling 700mA? If I hook up 3 boards with 2 in series and 1 parallel will that also be...
  3. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    His design is nice, but I feel the placement and orientation of the QB could be better to even out the spread. When I build mine Ill use a meter to see what placement has the "best" spread for a 4x4 area. Judging by a par map robincnn posted somewhere I can't find again, 8 boards would give...
  4. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    So really using the 2 hlg320h-1400b it consumes 720 watts at the wall to replace a gavita 1220 watts at the wall. Not to mention the gavita 4x4 par map is crap near the edges, as in less than 300
  5. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    The price isn't bad either. About $300 for the boards, $60 heat sinks, $200 drivers. Then a few dollars for some misc parts. About the cost of 2 zips. Good investment if you can get that 2 "units" per 4x4........1.4g/w
  6. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    I wou I would prefer 800+ ppf over as much of the footprint as possible. I think I'll do the 640w build and try it out. It seems about what I am looking for.
  7. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    Naw I wasn't kidding but I do understand what you're saying. Just curious about the pattern and distance apart.
  8. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    I think from the data.... From the HLG site About 160watts from 1400mA would get you to 640watts at 49% efficiency. That gets you about 19 par watts per sqft. My concern would be getting a good spread with only 4 boards.
  9. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    Im trying not to be a dumbass when it comes to this data but wouldn't a board at 1050mA be 116watts? 116x4 is 464watts.
  10. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    I tend to agree. 6 boards at 52% eff. @1050mA for a 4x4 would hit the spot theoretically. 21 par watts should kill it if they are at least as good as a COB.
  11. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    Seems like the board is 110v so at 700mA it would run at 77 watts. 77 Watts at 55%eff. Would be 42 par watts per board. It would take 4 boards in a 3x3 and 7 boards in a 4x4 to hit over 18 par watts per sqft. 8 boards would be 21par watts per sqft.
  12. 1KTrees

    Quantum Boards Grow

    From what I have researched from some experts running COBs we should have 18 to 20ish par watts per sqft. Where can I see/find some efficiency numbers for these boards?. In a 4x4 I would think you need more than 290 par watts and a 3x3 over 160 par watts.