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  1. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    So I am wanting to pull the trigger on some lights here soon. Cheapest quote I got for anything off the shelf that's even close to comparable was from LEDZeal but their 600XL which runs at about 520 actual watts for $525 each shipped to the US. Can anyone give me reason why I should NOT build...
  2. everest_dope

    How Can I Harvest Every Month?

    Read this thread... I know there's a lot to it but all you need is within the first 30 or so pages. Gives you all you need to know. You basically have to stagger batches and you have one in the cloner, one in the veg and 3 in the flower room. The OP is now pulling in 20oz every 3 weeks.
  3. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    Good to hear. I had atrium lighting on my list of potential suppliers and I appreciate the recommendation. I am good with getting good bang for my buck. No loyalties, just trying to get value for my money. I was originally going to buy a grow cabinet kit but I was able to get this 4x8' tent and...
  4. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    It's a 4x8' tent. Ha ha, yea. I am all for this QB build if it is better or more efficient and causes less heat than cobs. So are these the right diodes?
  5. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    Thanks for the heads up. I won't be needing more than 10' so I suppose I am good. I would prefer to have a knob that's easy to access so I'll probably go with the B model and run wires to a pot. I'd love to do something like Growmau5's light covers. I don't have the equipment to make them myself...
  6. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    It's settled, then. It gets quite hot where I live so they will need to go outside. So can I splice in an extension cord to give me the extra length to keep them outside the tent? Most light designs I see on here and elsewhere have the drivers right on the frame with the lights. Any limit on how...
  7. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    If I run these at 480w I don't think I'll have enough light (comes out to 30w/sq ft) I have a bunch of quality computer fans that I never used, I don't mind wiring up the fans too if it will drop temps. I had heard about people hanging a ballast outside of the tent for the same reason, I guess...
  8. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    O wow, lots to unpack here. I guess this is what I asked for. Will I need supplemental lighting in the corners of the tent? I keep reading about 'hotspots' in the center of the board with it fading near the edges. What do you think? Also, don't I need the 'B' model driver to be able to dim these?
  9. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    I did some reading there after Growmau5's videos. Lots of good info. Basics were explained very well in the resource articles. But thanks for the recommendation.
  10. everest_dope

    4x8' grow tent, need some LED DIY guidance

    I have done some reading about LED grow lights but I'd like some expert opinions. I am planning to buy one of these grow tents. I live in a hot climate and heat and power consumption are both an issue for me. I know I want 35-50w per sq. ft. Anyhow, I have about $1k to spend on lights. I have...
  11. everest_dope

    From Inauspicious Beginnings...

    Dome's coming off when I get home. There are 2 seedlings in there now and probably 10 more seeds that I haven't given up on. These are bag seeds so I have no real idea of their genetics. Just a test really to get back in the swing of things. I have some good seeds on the way and some really nice...
  12. everest_dope

    From Inauspicious Beginnings...

    So, it was recently recommended to me that I RAISE the RH in my grow cabinet. It is very dry where I live, typically about 25% outside. Seems that I want it ~40% or so for various stages of growth, no? PS - Here's a pic of my babies. Not as many sprouted as I had hoped. I have a couple in the...
  13. everest_dope

    From Inauspicious Beginnings...

    So, about that, I plan to take the babies out as soon as they stand up and put them in the cloner (which does not have a dome). I have a few that are just sprouting, will it hurt them to leave them in there until after some of the others pop? I have the dome propped open a crack to prevent too...
  14. everest_dope

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks for the welcome. Things are going ok. I now have 3 little baby seedlings in my cloner. Temps in my clone/seedling cabinet are roughly room temperature when I leave it open. It got up to 85 overnight with the lights on all night. I am probably replacing this with a grow tent that is made...
  15. everest_dope

    From Inauspicious Beginnings...

    No pics today but I managed to get my seedling mat and cloner into a cabinet with power for the lights. I added another 10 rapid cloners with seeds in them and I have 4 little seedlings ready to go into the cloner from the first batch. Probably 5 more seeds have cracked and should be sprouting...
  16. everest_dope

    From Inauspicious Beginnings...

    So last night, I dug out a couple more lights. Here's my ghetto lighting setup. 2 CFL shop lights and a fleabay 50w LED. All the seeds have cracked and there are sprouts emerging, hoping to see more green here soon. The dome will go away once I see plants in all the plugs. C'mon, babies, grow...
  17. everest_dope

    From Inauspicious Beginnings...

    I'm new here and this is my 2nd post. I have learned so much from reading this forum. I am ready to give growing my own medicine a go. (I played around and harvested 2 plants years ago, but I am not counting that since I had no idea wtf I was doing.) I had ordered a grow cabinet but after...
  18. everest_dope

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all. I'm new here. I am a longtime MMJ patient. I only ever grew and harvested 2 plants a handful of years ago so I am not real experienced with cannabis cultivation. I just bought an LED hydro grow cabinet from supercloset. I know it's overpriced and I could build one myself, but in my...