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  1. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle this morning. no lights again. Machine is all functioning properly. I'm thinking it must be the scheduled settings for lights on and lights off. I have now confirmed that this is the problem, and I have reinstated defaults of 18-6 and 12-12.....and off we go. Girls are looking...
  2. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    :joint::joint::joint: thanks man. she's been good all day. I bought the 200w cfl last yr, used it for a bit and then shut down after my gro finished. I kept the 150w cfl as a spare, so when the 200 was out I tried the 150 - also didn't work. and the 400w HPS also didn't work in the next door...
  3. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    well there ya go - I unplugged it for almost an hour, plugged it back in and presto....we have light. Girls are happy. ok ok, I know its early and I have absolutely no way of knowing they are girls....but....for now that's my story, and I'm sticking to it! hahahaha! I'm happy that things are...
  4. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    hey there. cool. BB x BD/K. prolly nuthin wrong with that cross, but I'm not well versed in that side of this hobby. I have a problem this morning with the lights out and no obvious reason why. fues and breakers all seem ok. power to the unit is fine. it just shut itself off. I've got a...
  5. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    well, here we are. T=0. BlackDomina(SensiSeeds) and Top44(WeedFarmer) popped and into 2 gal. pots under a 200W CFL. I raised them to this point in direct sunlight on a window sill. Got stretch but buried thne such that they are all sorta 1 1/2 - 2" exposed from the level soil. Soil is standard...
  6. Cavalino Rampante

    did my chick grow a dick?

    does appear she's turned on u.
  7. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    hey there. time for a freakin update huh?! The seedling, all six....yipppeeee....are doing well. I need to get them into the BB and under my 200W CFL for 18-6. Or at least that is my plan. I'll post some pics once I have things organized. But just wanted to let all know that we're six for...
  8. Cavalino Rampante

    Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

    hey fdd...looking sweet. Great setup. wasthere a specific reason why you choose to not use reflectors for those lights? Looking forward to watching this. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Cavalino Rampante

    first timer--anyone have feedback?

    nice plants. really really healthy looking. good work. all the best of luck going forward. Yield? tough question with so many variables. Everyone's circumstances are all a little different. fdd gets pounds per monster tree he grows. I got about 1 1/2 oz of trimmed bud per plant. You'll...
  10. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    well, 3 days gone by since putting the seeds into moist papertowel, in a sealed container, in the dark. All six seeds have been placed into soil. The three BD popped in just one day (Sat. - Sun). The other three, Top44 took an extra couple of days (Sat. - Tues.). All six had sprouted very...
  11. Cavalino Rampante

    58 days in flower northern lights

    serious job man. excellent work. You'll be enjoying that for a bit! thanks for all your sharing. Walk on!
  12. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    well, another six seeds into their chamber of papertowel and moisture. I decided that I would take three Top44 from seeds that produced my last batch (which is still amazing one year later!!) and three Black Domina. We're finally getting some decent weather and warmer temperatures. At least I...
  13. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    Hey there. thanks for checking in. Well in my exuburance of trying to not water the babies too much I totally over did that and they all dried up. So, back to square one. No worries. If that's the worst that goes wrong, I'll be happy. I'll take some more seeds and give it a second shot...
  14. Cavalino Rampante

    Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

    Well the time has come. It is time for another grow. I sourced some seeds from SensiSeeds. Amazing purchase and delivery, flawless and quick. Placed 6 seeds in paper towel on Suday afternoon. All six popped their cherries and into the starter cubes they go. I have so work to do to get the...