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  1. Hiabovetherim

    In what stage is this plant?

    Probably because when a plant looks like that there is a myriad of problems that could cause poor growth. To me, I think you have an air circulation problem going on possibly. Where is the plant growing? Are you circulating the air around it? The stalk looks tough, but those leaves tell me she...
  2. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Thanks homie. Figured it out without cutting anything off. Don't want to cause any extra stress on them.
  3. Hiabovetherim

    Fan Leaves Issue - Hydro - RDWC **PICS** Experienced Help?

    Light is a 600 Watt. I would say the light is a foot away from the talest kolas and 18-24 inches away from the worst looking fan leaves. The light is horizontal, and has fallen twice because of crappy tent manufacture. So right now it is as far as I can get it, and I have no way to move it...
  4. Hiabovetherim

    Fan Leaves Issue - Hydro - RDWC **PICS** Experienced Help?

    Those leaves are fucked, but those buds look like you sprinkled sugar on them. That gives me some confidence. Yea, I can see how it looks like nute burn, or maybe a nute lockout. I'm doing a nute flush tomorrow so if it's that, hopefully a little florakleen could clean up the problem, or at...
  5. Hiabovetherim

    Flowering question

    True. I'm new (first grow), and I supercropped one of my plants to try it out, even ruptured the main stalk. She grew hella fat at that snap point and rebounded in one day. Now she is a thick little momma full of flowers and no seeds. Just my experience. BUT, I supercropped during veg. I...
  6. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Sorry about the images being sideways. Nothing I can do to fix it. So here is an update. The first 3 are the Master Kush. Last one is the best Aurora kola. I am at the end of Week 5. Tomorrow I will be flushing, refilling with H2O2 water, flushing again, and adding nutrients back in. Using...
  7. Hiabovetherim

    Fan Leaves Issue - Hydro - RDWC **PICS** Experienced Help?

    I understand the pics aren't perfect but I'm not turning the HPS light off. :-o Can someone tell me what these fan leaf issues are. these are issues on all of the plants and it is occuring in the middle of my 4 plant grow. I noticed so yellowing and deformity right where the CO2 from my exhale...
  8. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Ok, the calyx. That's a new one for me, good thing I asked. Another question, I have 2 strains. One is Master Kush. The other said Aurora Indica but that shit stretched like a Sativa. If the MK are ready before the Aurora, can I chop the MK and let the Aurora continue? I only have the one...
  9. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Yeah, not an option for me, the system is a RDWC, so those plants are locked in their buckets in their closet. I'm looking at the trichs on the leaves around the buds right?
  10. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Got a 60x - 100x micro, will put it to use this week! I tried experimenting with it before but the fans are going non-stop and it's tough to use the micro and not upset the plant. Try not to disturb them too much. Any pointers for using the micro? Rep - Right back at you.
  11. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    I've already quit on that idea. I'm letting them do their thing. Thanks!
  12. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Ok. So one more week of Big Bud. Just to be clear, this is a hyrdo set up, and I flush and refill every 2 weeks. So one more flush, clean, refill next week, then 2 weeks more of nutes, then a final flush and refill with just RO water and Flushing agent. Can I flush with just water for more...
  13. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    How much time do these ladies have? It is important for me to know for nutrient additives I want to add. I'm at the end of the 4th week of flowering. I am using Bud Candy and Bid Bud now, but also have Overdrive. Overdrive's supposed to be used in the 2 weeks before the final flush week. But...
  14. Hiabovetherim

    problem posting pics

    I just took the time to take some pics and keep my threads going and pics don't work right now. Please fix!
  15. Hiabovetherim

    BUSHMASTER?? 3rd Week of Flowering?? Need to slow vertical growth...

    Yea I did. It's too late for that now. Guess I just gotta try to keep raising the light and trying to find a creative way to keep tying these fuggers down a little, force a little horizontal action.
  16. Hiabovetherim

    BUSHMASTER?? 3rd Week of Flowering?? Need to slow vertical growth...

    OK, so I'm on my first hydro grow. It's going super well. Actually, a little too well. I got lots of buds started and every day they get bigger. BUT, everyday these ladies grow 4-5 inches vertically. I'm in the middle 19 days into flowering with at least 5 more weeks to go. I've been LSTing...
  17. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Yup, I can see how it would be boring. But not for me. This is grow ONE so it's exciting to me. I open that tent over 5 times an hour sometimes, just to reassure myself this is actually going down.
  18. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Try not to patronize homie. I knew EXACTLY how long the flower time is. This is my first grow so I wanted to see if they were progressing normally. I'm suddenly worried about time because although I did anticipate the flowering time, I did not anticipate such rapid vertical growth. It's a good...
  19. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    The one you see in the pic is Master Kush. There are 3 of those plants in the tent. One is an Aurora Indica, which doesn't seem very indica to me considering how much I've had to tie it down and the wide spacing between the nodes on all kolas.
  20. Hiabovetherim

    How much time left for these girls? EXPERIENCED ADVICE

    Fuck. Anything I can do to speed it up?