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    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    yah I keep adding things here and there without much update on the RIU, sorry. But in the last month or so the 4 "little" ones (bluberry x2, and matanuska tundra x2) have really taken off. So now my current setup has the two FLOs in 5-gals, and the other four in they're own 3gals. Since I am...

    Someone guide me in the right direction of a DWC set up please!

    Yah the "R" is definitely for recirculating, allows you to mess with one reservoir and circulate it throughout the plants rather than fiddling with each bucket individually. Although because of the many pumps, tubes, airstones, etc. DWC is not very common on a large scale like you're thinking...

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    I'm not doing anything besides keeping the pH where it needs to be, and checking the temps when possible. These black buckets keep all light out and I haven't had any temp issues yet but the warmer months are around the corner which I've heard some people say they can't even grow with DWC...

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    sweet, yah I will be adding Kool Bloom within a week, in order to match the two nutes and correctly compare them I need kool bloom to use against tiger bloom (fox farm). I was GH all the way but am a little swayed by the FF flo in the past week....decisions, decisions

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    Heres another update....heres the fulll setup in the first pic, 2 flowering ladies and 4 veg. There's no second light so the flowering ladies go into a dark room every 12 hours to create a flower environment. I gutted the center and bottom of the plants, as seen in pics 4 and 5, and am ready for...

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    Any help, come on guys...someone has had to have had this issue before.

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    Jus found a little bit of powder on the lower leaves of two of my little clones. It seems to be the early stages of powdery mildew. I live in a very dry place, and my room RH isn't above 40% often, if ever. I had to raise the water level dramatically when transplanting into the hydroton because...

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    Here is another update in week 5 of veg for the large Flo ladies and week 2 in veg for the new genetics. I had a few issues with the roots of the clones when I transplanted but they all seemed to perk back up and should be fine. Ive got a few mites to deal with on the new clones too, but I have...

    Spine shaped roots

    I have roots with those spines going down the whole thing. They don't look quite as close together as yours but it doesn't seem strange. Wait a while till they grow longer I'm sure it won't look so odd. Good luck!
  10. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    Sweet thanks Flo, and yes I definitely will get a meter soon enough it's just not in the budget just yet. Also, I've already notice some leaning and potential top-heavy issues because the hydroton pellets provide no support. I am used to growing in soil only and this problem is quickly solved...
  11. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    Okay, another weekly update...The two vegging Flos are looking really healthy and since I pinched them off early they are certainly bushy! I am running two nutrient systems to compare, one in each pot so I will keep you all updated how that goes as well. The first three pics are of the two Flo...
  12. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    I use a dual output aqua brand pump from the fish/aquarium section at walmart, it was only $9.99 and it is strong enough to power both of those buckets.
  13. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    I couldn't help myself I had to update with a few more pics, they're are just really taking off. They've practically doubled since I put them into the new buckets, I can't wait to see where these ladies go!
  14. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    I don't have an EC meter currently, my pH is staying at around 6. I live in colorado so my humidity is pretty weak, maybe 30%, when I put the humidifier in I can get it up to 50% max. I am at 72 degrees all day, 1000watt HPS currently until I can get a new MH bulb, using GH3 line of nutes and...
  15. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    So Just over two weeks and these ladies are really taking off! Advise, Comment, Critique....Thanks guys.
  16. MRHOOD

    Where are the damn buds???

    General Hydro's Kool Bloom bud enhancer works well, packed with phosphorus and potassium. Molasses works well too as a more organic route, but almost every "line" of nutes has their own bud enhancer. I hope all turns out well, I wouldn't want to kill off a healthy femal like that!
  17. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    A few days later, we have roots! Almost time to separate these ladies and get them really goin. Advise, critique, comment....thanks guys!
  18. MRHOOD

    cloning in bubbles?

    After roots form from the clone, what is the next step. I have all the pieces to make a bubble cloner I'm just not understanding what to do with the clone after roots are formed.
  19. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    even as clones, should I have the rooting cube getting wet/bubbles all the time, currently I have it 1inch from the cube and they are defintilely sprouting roots but should I give them a closer feed to the nutes or will this burn the clones and over fertilize them. Let me know what I can do to...
  20. MRHOOD

    My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great

    yah they will be put into they're own 5 gal buckets in larger nets with some hydroton pellets. Since there are no roots touching the nutes, should I bother with adding more water/nutes, or wait until a noticeable amount has been used up?