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  1. willc

    Hi there, I only did the God Bud in the end, feminised. It was a really nice fat little plant...

    Hi there, I only did the God Bud in the end, feminised. It was a really nice fat little plant but i trained and supercropped it. i got 65 grams of dried cured and trimmed bud.
  2. willc

    Reserva Privada - Tangie - Absolutely no smell?

    Ok but as opposed to others that Ive grown with exact same methods its very abnormal. I normally grow indicas but this is 70% sativa, could that make a difference? Indicas more resinous?
  3. willc

    Reserva Privada - Tangie - Absolutely no smell?

    So my Tangie plant is about 1 cubic meter, very heavy colas and very close to harvest but has absolutely no smell unless you touch it? I mean no smell in the grow room even if your a foot away. Very strange considering most at this point absolutely stink? Anyone had this before and is it an...
  4. willc

    Stretching with very thin leaves and slow new growth

    Lemon OG in 22 litre biobiz soil, 4 weeks veg This has been doing very well but suddenly all the new growth slowed right down, branches stretching and new leaves very spindly. There obviously some nute deficiency in the new leaves too which are darker at the veins. Anyone have any ideas of the...
  5. willc

    Hermie advice needed

    yeah couple popped
  6. willc

    Hermie advice needed

    So Im growing Kosher Kush alongside God Bud, Critical Kush and Cookies Kush. Everything going perfectly, not a deficiency in sight and 3 weeks into flower with some lovely buds starting to swell. Anyway, about 5 days ago I accidently snapped off completely one of the main branches of my Kosher...
  7. willc

    The Classics, ie NL, Super Skunk, White Widow, how do they compare to todays award winning hybrids?

    How come everyone goes mad about Cheese which is basically just Skunk no 1 ??
  8. willc

    The Classics, ie NL, Super Skunk, White Widow, how do they compare to todays award winning hybrids?

    Very @BenRipped interesting thank you. How do you test ? Are there home kits you can buy? And what is White, as opposed to White Widow, can I still get it?
  9. willc

    The Classics, ie NL, Super Skunk, White Widow, how do they compare to todays award winning hybrids?

    I was thinking Sensi for the Skunk and Nirvana for the NL. DJ SHort for the true Blueberry yeah? What was the original White Widow ? Sensi too?
  10. willc

    The Classics, ie NL, Super Skunk, White Widow, how do they compare to todays award winning hybrids?

    ha ha thought as much. I really get the feeling people just buy into names these days that really are just pheno's of the classics. I remember White Widow in Dam in the late nineties that was sooo pungent, like sweet baby puke. I guess that was because people were putting a lot of effort into...
  11. willc

    The Classics, ie NL, Super Skunk, White Widow, how do they compare to todays award winning hybrids?

    I'd like to do a classics grow of Skunk no1 or super Skunk, Northern Lights, White Widow. Are they inferior to todays hybrid strains? Also which seedbanks for those strains?
  12. willc

    Watering when on short holiday, any McGuyver style techniques? Maybe water bottles with pin pricks?

    lol you and @Skunk Baxter are mental! I think a basic pump on a timer would be a lot easier!
  13. willc

    Watering when on short holiday, any McGuyver style techniques? Maybe water bottles with pin pricks?

    I always water maximum to run off and leave until nearly completely dry. My 10 litre pots with biobizz soil are bone dry within 2.5 to 3 days in my set up. My old 20 litre pots would last 5 days but unfortunately too heavy to lug around when flushing etc so Im stuck with the 10litre
  14. willc

    Watering when on short holiday, any McGuyver style techniques? Maybe water bottles with pin pricks?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Although some of them sound fun I think a good soaking and then wrapped in a bin bag is my best bet at the moment. @Skunk Baxter you sound like you're one sandwich short of a picnic, but funny!
  15. willc

    Watering when on short holiday, any McGuyver style techniques? Maybe water bottles with pin pricks?

    going away for 4 days, I know they can last for 3 but thats pushing it. Maybe ill just set the light down to 250w instead of 550w and move them further away from the lights in the hope that the temp will be lower and they wont use the water as quick.
  16. willc

    Watering when on short holiday, any McGuyver style techniques? Maybe water bottles with pin pricks?

    ahaha when I thought of McGyver i did actually think of ice, like when he set that bomb to trigger by the ice melting ha ha but dont think its practical
  17. willc

    Watering when on short holiday, any McGuyver style techniques? Maybe water bottles with pin pricks?

    Any good techniques for watering my plants for a few days when on holiday that doesn't include pumps etc? Was thinking just a bottle on the pot with a pin prick in it or something like that?
  18. willc

    When to start feeding if looking healthy?

    Im growing in Biobizz soil, been vegging for a month in 11litre pots and plants look absolutely lovely. Im about to switch to flower. I have Biobizz grow nutes but didn't use it. My question is, would the nutes have have any benefit or is it a case of if it ain't broke don't fix it?
  19. willc

    Thanks for the help, turned out nice!!

    @Alienwidow @bird mcbride @hotrodharley @Jimmy Sparkle @DesertGrow89 Thankyou :-)
  20. willc

    Thanks for the help, turned out nice!!

    Thanks for all the advice for nutrient deficiencies etc. I was patient, let them veg out longer and recover and got around 100g of lovely bud of each. 2 months veg in total but well worth it. Animal Cookies Purple urkle