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  1. willc

    Watering schedule and amounts. Water every 3/4 days too long?

    So Ive grown indoor for many years in soil without problem but after a 2 year break was recommended Plant Magic Plus on my new grow I use 22 litre pots, plants are only 10" tall but LST'ed and around half metre square so well into the veg...
  2. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    Bloody hell i think you maybe right! I remember I put one layer of tissue in the bottom to stop the soil pissing out everywhere. Just checked the holes and although there were roots coming through when i stuck my finger in the soil was sodden wet. Just given them a right proper flushing with the...
  3. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    You know what, since watering them in when planting ive only been giving them less than a litre a day as the soil never seems to dry out and I havent had water come out of the bottom yet. They do have adequate drainage holes but they are 25 litre pots. By active decomposition do you mean maybe...
  4. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    Thanks mate, I used to use Super thrive all the time and completely forgot about it! (ive had 2 years off, used to grow in Hempy buckets) Reckon that would do the job? I don't PH treat water, just straight out of tap and left for 3 days for chlorine to evaporate
  5. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    Thanks for the info. Gave them a full dose of these last night In your experience, how long would you expect a cal mag deficiency to correct itself after treatment?
  6. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    Ok cheers buddy, Cal Mag can be sorted with a bit of Epson salts right? BTW I have another plant. Purple Urkle x Super Skunk in exactly the same set up and no problems with that one. Ive treated them exactly the same throughout although the Animal Cookies x Super Skunk has grown much faster...
  7. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    They are in soil as stated Soil - Plant Magic Plus It claims to be quite nutritious so I thought they wouldn't need feeding at least for a while as they are in 25 litre pots.
  8. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    Heres a pic in daylight. Ambient is 27, canopy 25
  9. willc

    Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards

    Please help!! Ive been getting this on the odd leaf but now the plant is bigger its getting much worse. Its starts with slight bronzing on the leaves and then they dry from the tips backwards and become very brittle. Plants are Animal Cookies x Super Skunk Dimlux light set at 390w (18 on 6...
  10. willc

    Contactor Relay thud and loud buzzing! Help!

    I turned on my new Dimlux Expert 600w today and the contactor relay made a very loud thud and a constant buzz thereafter. The grow light stayed on but the Red LED warning light was on. It didnt do this when i tried it yesterday. Initial thud but no buzzing and green LED light. Im guessing the...
  11. willc

    Dimlux 600w Expert series, anyone use one?

    Hi All, Ive just purchased one of these but I can find very little information anywhere about them from actual weed growers? Does anyone here use them? Im really interested to see any grow journals or just general feedback from people who use them...
  12. willc

    250w cool Shade or 600w Gavitas or Dimlux for 1.8 x 1.8 x 1.2 space

    Thanks guys, i guess I could just dim them down to 400 or 250 if it gets too hot. Gavita or Dimlux? Any one experienced with these? i like that the Dimlux has a heat extraction point and is only 14cm depth as opposed to 20cm but Gavita is considerably cheaper...
  13. willc

    250w cool Shade or 600w Gavitas or Dimlux for 1.8 x 1.8 x 1.2 space

    Hi all, Its been a few years since my last grow and previously was doing small closet grows 70cm x 80cm x 180cm high, 1 to 3 plants and yielding around 120g to 150g dry, very high quality bud regardless of it was 1 or 3 plants, I'd always get roughly the same amount dried and was using a 250w...
  14. willc

    Do nutes go Bad?
  15. willc

    Do nutes go Bad?

    Hi there, check out this thread i started, I emailed Advanced Nutrients because i noticed that my plants had started to get deficiencies that id never had before. In the end i just bought new ones as i...
  16. willc

    Do nutrients have a use by date?

    Just incase anyones interested, here was my reply from Advanced Nutrients tech support.. Our products have a shelf life of 24 months, excluding Sensizym which has a shelf life of 18 months. If there are crystals, it means that certain parts elements have fallen out of solution. You may...
  17. willc

    Do nutrients have a use by date?

    Thanks allot sexyroots.for.all, that makes allot of sense to me. Ive decided to ditch it and get some fresh Iguana Juice and maybe the bud candy like you suggest. The only thing that im worried about now is that people say it stinks, did you have this problem?
  18. willc

    Do nutrients have a use by date?

    I just filtered out the sediment in the bottom of the container and its almost like limescale from an old kettle. Ive heated it in ro water but it doesnt seem to be dissolving, just kind of crushes down into a sand but doesnt become suspended ie sinks to the bottom, any ideas?
  19. willc

    Do nutrients have a use by date?

    ha ha, ill give that a go, seems a shame to throw them away, thanks! PS. lol, I thought bonemans thread was good, i followed it and got some great results
  20. willc

    Do nutrients have a use by date?

    Nice one, yeah i have noticed sediment/crystals in the bottoms of the containers before but just gave it a good shake. I know its meant for Coco Coir but i just copied Bonemans hempy thread and it worked perfectly with almost exactly the same results (...