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  1. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Thank you for your advice this is certainly an eye opener. From what the first picture shows is that the most of the white hairs (pistols?)have gone, do they recede into the bud when its nearly ready ? And then you look at the trichomes for how you want your high? That's pretty neat...
  2. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    So heres a question for you, im just in week 7 now, so I have been looking up how to tell when they are ready for harvest and I keep seeing something about trichomes? Do you have any tips you can share on this part? I'm at least 3 weeks from there but I like to be ready ahead of time, especially...
  3. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Hi Jeffislovinlife, I didnt post any pictures yesterday but heres a few i took today just after feeding , hope you are well buddy
  4. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    I will post some pictures later for you to see, and glad I could share something with you, that calculator will come in handy im sure it. For what we are doing , we need it to be at 1.48 for ideal results , I just typed in different temps and humidity levels untill I found the closest or exact...
  5. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Should help fine tuning what is possibly the issue, I did try calmag yesterday as I wasn't sure if I was having a problem in that regards as well tbh, only added a slight amount, think it was 0.5 per litre I added, less on smaller plants and slightly more on the largest plants I do have...
  6. M

    First time grower here, need some advice Pk1.48 is best for transferring stuff around the plant, if your humidity isn't right for temperature, it can make your leafs go bad Got given this today by another grower, could also help explain my leafs, ive had a couple drop off as well...
  7. M

    First time grower here, need some advice Pk1.48 is best for transferring stuff around the plant, if your humidity isn't right for temperature, it can make your leafs go bad Got given this today by another grower, could also help explain my leafs, ive had a couple drop off as well...
  8. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Thanks for the advice,.I did do that and it worked out spot on, im starting to see a bit of development on the buds now, very interesting seeing how they grow tbh
  9. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Hi its also a 2x4, this has worked great for me, tent looks much sturdier now
  10. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Few pictures of the ladies this morning @Jeffislovinlife @Wizzlebiz @Trickyticky
  11. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Today I upped the nutes to 3ml per litre, 800ppm, so quite a big jump, lets see how things develop over next few days, if all is good after second feed at this higher amount of ppm, then I will keep it there for a while, Il post a few pictures later on so you can see how they are coming on, im...
  12. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    October 9th i was convinced they were definately in flower, these are autoflowers,and I'm 45days in out of a 70 to 90 day cycle of this strain according to the seedbank,
  13. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    My Internet is so bad last few days that it takes a long time to upload, I will have to speak with my Internet provider I think
  14. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    , Sorry, il explain, I feed them nutes through watering, But I do nutes/nutes/water, This last feed/watering was the water only part of the cycle I have intended to up the amount of nutrients this time around also,
  15. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Just seeing some of the leaves look bit dry and droopy at the bottom, I guess it could be my fans again thats doing that but the soil is definately drying up quicker now. I use 5gallon pots so I could put more in them water wise, Still got about 14hours till next feed too, heres some photo of...
  16. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Im currently giving them 2.25 to 2.50 litres at the moment
  17. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    So, im starting to wonder if I need to change to every day feeding, im noticing that even with an extra half of a litre, these girls are looking a bit thirsty still on the second day, and I would normally feed again on the 3rd day, soil is starting to look dry and feel it but not as bad as the...
  18. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    I have started to now myself, I even sat down and did test runs on nutes at different amount per litre and then with another nute added in after in regards to the ppm it gave, so I now can do a slow increase of nutrient and try not overdo it , As I've bought the products which will be used over...
  19. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    It sounds very plausible as I wasn't aware of this being a thing tbh, I tend to lock the spray so it constantly fires away and just pump the handle as needed for each plant, many times I have slipped up and had a few oopsie moments and spray has gone where it wasn't supposed to, ive even taken...
  20. M

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Thank you, I really appreciate this, you have been such a big help, I do research huge amounts my self but at this stage everything is so similar that you can so easy go wrong direction, but I make sure I know what's going on with temps humidity and as many factors as I know about, which is why...