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  1. i grow everglades bud

    Did you steal my plants?

    guys can you stop posting vidoes about me and my cousins please and im not trash just poor trailer folk round here!! lmao
  2. i grow everglades bud

    ounce of MDMA

    i can get an O of MDMA for 1100 is that a good deal?? i dont konw i have gotten molly for like 40 bucks for a 1/2 gram but i dont know what prices are out there?? any help?
  3. i grow everglades bud

    This Shit Is Just Fucking Crazy 22 days in flower WTF

    when do i get some new pics man post up a grow journal cuz im interested and there just givin you a hard time cuz you paid that much and dont give a fuck lmao neither would i honestly
  4. i grow everglades bud

    sending bud in the mail ez squeezy ?

    lmao no us mail isnt x-rayd lmao *usually i have family in the post office biz and the candle thing has been thought of already i read it on a thread a while back
  5. i grow everglades bud

    could i get charged?

    wow dude i have been in so many fights and only arrested one time but i got aggrivated assult with a deadly weapon and batery lmao it was new years the one that justs passed and i was still 17 lmao but i got house arrest untill trial and charges were dropped cuz i told my dad if he showed up...
  6. i grow everglades bud

    whats a poo bomb?

    OMFG.........ROFLMMFAO LOL WFT?? I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW SOMEONE COULD DO THAT??? all im thinkin is eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lmao jesus ......these ppl need to smoke a joint and drop some acid then see if they want to do a fuckin "POOH BOMB" OR W.E ELS YOU CALLED wow
  7. i grow everglades bud

    CA Bound

    well im 18 and thinkin about movin there cuz im movin anyways just dont know where yet i want to move to cal but idk yet but i am a grower and i mean grow op kinda thing but sounds interestin just tore down my last grow i had set up dont know what im doin in life right now tho:weed:
  8. i grow everglades bud

    Thats COOL!

    dude that little ppl runnin one had me entertained for like an hour lamo but the lighting is amazing and i set it as my background lmao thanx man i love things like that
  9. i grow everglades bud

    ciggaretts are the devil

    lmoa im just tired of my GF sayin shit and im startin to believe it and feel nasty lmao but if it dont work im just gonna say look i tryed but it aint workin but i think i can do it, + i started runnin again and feel like i got lungs of a 60 year old smoker lmao
  10. i grow everglades bud

    ciggaretts are the devil

    thanx man but sorry i cant go ultra lights i hate the taste and like smokin a rock i cant drag those things lmao but thanyou yeah i could do that but i dont like to be high at work because i just am like fuck this , i dont like my job as it is lmao thanx bro
  11. i grow everglades bud

    ciggaretts are the devil

    i am 18 and have smoked cigs along with other things for 5 years now ... i hate these things but cant seem to quit i hate how i smell, taste, and just fell disguesting latly i have thought about quittin but can seem to want to do it !!! it sux so i want to start a little support group and...
  12. i grow everglades bud

    gotta get this off my chest

    lmao you think your goin through shit lmao ha........ thats funny .... if those are your big worries then your lucky.... im 18 and dropped out lmao i only dropped out cuz there was no way of gettin to school lmao , i fuckin went to jail a few times and im still dealin with probation for...
  13. i grow everglades bud

    if u like L like i do please help out with my ????

    ^^^ mee too lmao im gettin some next week!!!! heard its good doses too... i need to get some liquid tho!! good times
  14. i grow everglades bud

    salvia trip

    Omg ,,,,i have a crazy ass story but dont feel like typin it alll out sorry,, i loved my trip i smoked some 60x a few weeks ago and tripped like i was on 4 stamps for 10 mins and felt like forever just like lsd,,,, i love this plant i laugh so hard my neighbors came over they thought i was...
  15. i grow everglades bud


    come on man lmao i just saw you in the heroin thread lmao now tlkin bout synth-H lmao its all good tho lmao
  16. i grow everglades bud

    Heroin addiction

    ok i just came into this thread wantin to tell my poor fellow RIU brother that shit happens its a choice that he made, im very sorry just went through the same thing, a buddy of mine OD'ed and died and im just startin to believe it :'( but its life and i know she didnt do it on purpose and worse...
  17. i grow everglades bud

    Grow Tattoo

    dude i would visit you just to fuckin see that shit lmao
  18. i grow everglades bud

    tell me about coke

    I wouldnt consider myself a cocain cowboy but just a cowboy as for the white, i moved alot but i bought from someone too so i was more like a broker!! now MY dealer is a mother fuckin cocaincowboy and hes also payin the price for it now and getts out in about 10 more years.
  19. i grow everglades bud

    tell me about coke

    white is some good shit, i used to sell white and got if in bricks, i live im miami and used to be slangin that shit all day but i have a long story and i am way to high to be typin that much but long story short i couldnt take the bull shit of watchin what the ppl i served to do to the shit ...
  20. i grow everglades bud

    hay i already have harvested after dryin out i have a rough estimate of 15 - 20 lbs hopefully

    hay i already have harvested after dryin out i have a rough estimate of 15 - 20 lbs hopefully