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  1. B

    yup, you too?

    yup, you too?
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    Who on Vancouver Island or in Washington St are about ready to harvest their outdoor

    Im debating it, day to day. Most of mine are just about ready, i would like to wait a few more days, but the mold is a problem.
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    Who is till waiting to chop?

    Im going to go ahead and chop an afgani tomorrow, maybe a belladonna too. Maybe try a little longer for the rest, im stressing over it every day now.
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    So frustrated

    Looks like plain old rot to me.
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    The Real Doll. Would you hit it?

    No rolling over and going to sleep afterwards. You have to get your ass out of bed and clean her out.
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    Heads up Pacific Northwest, mold has begun

    Im in the PNW too. I go check for mold several times a day. I keep trimming off small patches of it. Last year was my first outdoor grow and I had to o the same thing then. Still had a good harvest though.
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    Sativias finishin before indicas? WTF

    I have a swazi that is suppose to be 100% sativa. It was the first to bloom and the first to ripen. And its short too................ sativa my ass.
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    bud rot....question

    I started another thread describing the process here. As a matter of fact, im tempted to let some bud mold so I can take pics of the process. Anyone out there in the Clark County...
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    Drying help

    When I have had more bud then room to dry it, I have removed the large stems down to just nugs, then dried in a brown paper grocery bag. I will fill the bag about 6-8 inches deep. Everyday reach in there and stir it with your hand. The paper wicks the moisture away so you have to mix it so...
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    Let The Trimmin' Begin.

    Lovely, just lovely
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    Drying help

    A shallow cardboard box works great, and is the easiest way IMO. The cardboard wicks the moisture away so you dont even have to turn them, unless, like the above poster stated, you dont want a flat side. Just make sure you have good air circulation.
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    I have a problem I cant Identify

    We need to know what kind of soil you are using and what is in it. From what you have stated, you are apparently growing these plants without any nutrients, is that true? Tell us everything about your soil.
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    I have a problem I cant Identify

    Is the soil your using have nutes in it? We really need to know more about the soil
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    How to salvage moldy bud and get a great tasting smoke

    As PotPimp stated, being underwater kills the mold. Adding fresh water every day washes away the mold and other yuckies If you never added fresh water, it would kill the mold, and then proceed to rot/decay in another way. changing the water every day, and keeping it completely...
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    How to salvage moldy bud and get a great tasting smoke

    Thanks Jakabok, I just did a search and found out it doesn't show up as a new post to me, because I made it. But i see it now in "new posts" since you replied.
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    How to salvage moldy bud and get a great tasting smoke

    So hmmm, I cant figure out why this thread doesnt show up in "New Posts" ?
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    How to salvage moldy bud and get a great tasting smoke

    You can save moldy bud and make it perfectly safe to smoke/consume/vaporize. It doesn’t matter if the bud is fresh or dried, water curing washes away every trace of mold. I’ve done this a number of times and it works perfectly. Next time I do it, I will take pictures. Place the moldy...
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    bud rot....question

    You can clean the bud of mold with a water cure. It takes away every trace of mold. I have done it several times and it works perfectly. As a matter of fact, next time i do it, I will take pictures at every step. Because it seems like not many people believe it. If you would like instructions...
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    Question on Dry/Cure for VAPE Users

    Curing is always ideal. But nasty weed doesn't taste near so bad in a vaporizer.
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    Hypothetically speaking, if you could start all over what would you do differently???

    I would have read less about growing it and simply used my own gardening skills. I over thought it and made it to hard, instead of relying on my own 30+ years of gardening experience. When i stopped reading so much and started trusting myself more, I started growing better plants.