I have a problem I cant Identify


I have a situtation going on and I could use some helpDSC06034.JPGSo this is my 3rd grow of this problem and I have yet to come up with an answer. SO My setup is as such. I have a Stealth cabinet with painted inner walls. The ladies are under a 400watt HPS and they are in soil from a local greenery. The light schedule is 12/12 from seed. I have no nutes being added.

SO during its beginning weeks its fine its pretty and green then once it starts to sex out and begin its budding it then starts to have all the fan leaves do as these pics show and then by the time its near done there is no leaves left and the whole process is slowed to nothing comes of the whole grow.

I could use some help with this problem. Here are some other picsDSC06036.JPGDSC06035.JPGDSC06039.JPGDSC06040.JPGDSC06037.JPGDSC06041.JPGDSC06043.JPG


Yes but I flushed it out with 4 gallons of water at the beginning of seeing the problem

Now I have done a Ph test with the water I use. I got a reading 7.6-8 prior to adding it to the soil Once I got the water reading from the run off it came to a reading of 6.....

I dont know what that means but im sure its not good


Active Member
We need to know what kind of soil you are using and what is in it.

From what you have stated, you are apparently growing these plants without any nutrients, is that true?

Tell us everything about your soil.


It is soil I get from a local greenery. It is a mix they make themselves. I was not using nutes in this grow because I like to use the soil threw one grow then add nutes in the next grow once I reuse half of the soil. I have used this soil in many grows before and for many strains but they were all autos this is my first set of grows doing regular plants on a 12/12 cycle


Active Member
To get an accurate diagnosis of your plant we need as much information as possible.

2) Growing indoor or outdoors
3) Watering schedule
4) Growing Medium
5) What stage of growth

The more information you put in here the better diagnosis you will get.
I think you left out the watering schedule you're on bro.

But if you were only doing autos before, how long did they take? So you vegged this plant for how many weeks and this is which one of flower? Perhaps same time frame as when the autos finished and soil running low on micronutes?


I think you left out the watering schedule you're on bro.

But if you were only doing autos before, how long did they take? So you vegged this plant for how many weeks and this is which one of flower? Perhaps same time frame as when the autos finished and soil running low on micronutes?
Thank you I shall start by answering your questions as best as I can
1. At the beginning of the post there are a few.
2. Indoors in a metal cab with painted white walls and a 400HPS
3. I water with tap water that I let sit for 2 days before watering. I water Every other day as much as it asks for.(usually till it runs out the bottoms and doesnt accept any more water.)
4.My medium is soil from a local growery. Sorry I dont know anymore than that about it.
5.It is in week 7-8 I think not sure. Been slacking on that part.

I was doing autos of a bunch of different strains. Each strain took a different amount of time any where from 8-11 weeks though was the average.

I did not veg this or any of my regulars in this new grow. They are all 12/12 from seed under my HPS from start to finish.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I think I might know... MJ uses a lot more potassium (k) than most other plants and it is highly possible that as the ph dropped from a lots nutes sucking out, kthe ph fell out of range for needed k. keep ph in range, ket a sup potassium fert. Give the last 5 weeks on a 9 week flowerer. Its easy to pack in N and P and micros, K is the hard one to get enough in


I think I might know... MJ uses a lot more potassium (k) than most other plants and it is highly possible that as the ph dropped from a lots nutes sucking out, kthe ph fell out of range for needed k. keep ph in range, ket a sup potassium fert. Give the last 5 weeks on a 9 week flowerer. Its easy to pack in N and P and micros, K is the hard one to get enough in
OK I have no idea what you mean and or are saying. Please remember im no scientist please reword this into something I can understand LOL. Sorry

My Ph starts off High and my run off is in the extreme low.


And what would be a solution to the problem. If I change the soil to something I know exactly whats in there will that help/. And what if on the next ladies I get the Ph to normal before I add it to the water or should I just check the run off and go from there?


Well-Known Member
he means...every fertilizer says 3 numbers on it...npk...n=nitrogen.. p=phosphorus ..k=potash(potassium)...he believes you need more k....did you say you reuse your soil from a previous grow?


Yes. I used to on my old grow with autos but I have decided to change that and just get new soil its not worth the risk and I am going with a new soil from now on due to this problem . It is a soil with no nutes and I will just use organic nutes from now on with the new ladies

The thing I dont understand is why I never had this problem on any of my past strains and grows.


What would be a safe way to add more K and even if I changed the soil and the nutes would that help with the K problem and would it help to start treating the one I showerd pics of or is it not worth it at this point

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I did exactly what you are doing befor and found it to not work. You need supplementart fertilizers. As nutrients are pulled out of the soil and organic matter decomposes the ph of the soil will drop. Different nutrients are optimally absorbed at different levels, and if your runoff ph is below6 with your water in above.7, that means your soil is below ph of 6. At this ph your macronutrients drop off rapidly In their ability to be absorbed. My suspicion is your soil is out of k, potassium, and/or ph is too low to absorb what k is in there. I would reccomend getting, if I am correct that is, a bloom fertilizer. Flush your plants well with ph 7 water untill the runoff is 6.5 or higher, then give it a dose of fertilized water.

In the future, yes, try to get the soil ph between 6.5 and 7. Dolomite lime will help to keep the ph stable in the future and supply calcium and magnesium. My advice would be though, in the future, get a decent organic fertilizer solution. Earth kuice is good. Also get something that is like 0-0-4 or something, a potassium supplement. Molasses is a good one that is cheap, has a lot of potassium.

You coulx give that to your plant now, 1 and 1/2 tablespoon per gallon of water.

I hope that was helpful, if thats was poorly worded or you have more questions feel free to write :-)


I did exactly what you are doing befor and found it to not work. You need supplementart fertilizers. As nutrients are pulled out of the soil and organic matter decomposes the ph of the soil will drop. Different nutrients are optimally absorbed at different levels, and if your runoff ph is below6 with your water in above.7, that means your soil is below ph of 6. At this ph your macronutrients drop off rapidly In their ability to be absorbed. My suspicion is your soil is out of k, potassium, and/or ph is too low to absorb what k is in there. I would reccomend getting, if I am correct that is, a bloom fertilizer. Flush your plants well with ph 7 water untill the runoff is 6.5 or higher, then give it a dose of fertilized water.

In the future, yes, try to get the soil ph between 6.5 and 7. Dolomite lime will help to keep the ph stable in the future and supply calcium and magnesium. My advice would be though, in the future, get a decent organic fertilizer solution. Earth kuice is good. Also get something that is like 0-0-4 or something, a potassium supplement. Molasses is a good one that is cheap, has a lot of potassium.

You coulx give that to your plant now, 1 and 1/2 tablespoon per gallon of water.

I hope that was helpful, if thats was poorly worded or you have more questions feel free to write :-)
Hey man thank you so much for your time and for the advice. That does answer my questions and puts to rest alot of my worries. Thank you so much. I have some unsulfered mollasses I am gonna add it to my next watering. I will also go ahead and get rid of that soil I was using and just go with that stable soil that I know whats in there. And I will posts some new pics up in the future of how the next go around turns out. Agian thank you for your time and knowledge