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  1. Trial and Error 1

    Plant Problem

    Black strap sorry buddy I am not pro yet once again check my name. But to the guy below thanks alot but I am just gonna keep it going like it is because It is working really good and I am about to switch to hydroponics so THEN i will be SUPER STRAIGHT!
  2. Trial and Error 1

    Plant Problem

    Yo Potsmokinbasturd I think I have heard about the MG booster but when should I use that and I have been using plain water the whole time because I though I could not mix other nutes with the miracle grow. Also I have 1000 watt hps with 5 right now how do you think the harvest would be. THANKS!
  3. Trial and Error 1

    what type of hydroponics has he fastest and highest yielding?

    Yeah man you go through alot even with lots of reseach you think you know but its just like my name "Trial and Error" I have grown once then unfourtunatly had to cut them down before any bud was on them but the second one thats going on now is working great and I have been through LOTZ learning...
  4. Trial and Error 1

    Plant Problem

    Ok I hope this is the right place to ask this but the plants were vegged for a month and a half and have been flowering for 23 days they are grwoing in 5 gallon pots but just paint buckets not anything special and I am ashamed to say I used miracle grow for a first time but oh well look at the...
  5. Trial and Error 1

    Help plant problem CLONES! droopy.

    Thanks alot for the help I am going to switch to gel next time for sure it was just a budget thing I had to do but I think I wont have any more problems with clones if I get something to heat up the roots like a heat pad you know what I mean. THANKS alot for the help and I have not been...
  6. Trial and Error 1

    Help plant problem CLONES! droopy.

    I took these clones i will admit it was the first time but I used a clean brand new razor I cut at a 45 degree angle then dipped in water then into a rooting hormone it was a powder not sure if that matters then i placed the cuttings in starter pellets i am using a humidity dome but I just dont...