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  1. J

    Went from T5s to HPS for veg

    I can't answer any of your questions since I'm pretty new to this myself. I've got 5 I've grown from seed that are in week 5 of veg and just swapped the light cycle over to 12/12 to start flowering. They look just a little bigger than yours in the last picture. The few I've done before I let go...
  2. J

    Nirvana blackjack. 400w veg 1000w flower 1 plant

    Looking nice man, the blackjack I had 2 grows ago were some good smokin. I've got 3 Nirvana NYPD vegging now with a few bag seeds. I'm no pro by any means but I'm on my 5/6th grow now and am seeing better returns each time. Good luck and happy smoking!
  3. J

    July 2016

    Cool, I had hoped the supplemental lighting would help but.... Not much to do now about it. Anyone with experience with these strains? I had a blackjack I grew before that was immature when I harvested but was so freaking good I had to try again. My first NYPD though, it definitely has a...
  4. J

    July 2016

    What is cowbell? Don't know if this is supposed to be serious or not?
  5. J

    July 2016

    I wanted to post my latest grow with pics and get some opinions from you guys. My grow room is 6x6 with a 600w HPS open hood a t5 8 ft 4 bulb hood and some additional CFLs for good measure. I've got 3 blackjack and 3 NYPD from nirvana seeds about 8 weeks into flower. I've been having a...
  6. J

    1st Grow 8 weeks into Flower

    Thanks guys, I checked and had the light about 3-3 1/2 ft high. Lowered it about a foot and added back the 8 CFLs I had before I got the hps. Figured the more light the better. Im def seeing a lot of yellowing on the slightly older bagseed plant, I went ahead and got more water ph'd to water...
  7. J

    1st Grow 8 weeks into Flower

    I really feel like a noob now but what's a terminator line? I'm assuming the line where the light reaches on the room walls? I feel like it's pretty bright in there, it feels like I've been looking at the sun directly if I spend a few minutes in there and come out to regular room lights. I will...
  8. J

    1st Grow 8 weeks into Flower

    I do also have a 4 bulb 4 foot long t5 I'm using to veg if that means anything. Learning as I go man, learning as I go.... Thanks for any pointers at all
  9. J

    1st Grow 8 weeks into Flower

    The hps light I've got is a hydrofarm 1000w with a xtrasun brand bulb. I'm not sure exactly how far the lights are from the plants but it's roughly 2-3 feet. I've also got two small LED lights for a little xtra light on two of the bag seed plants. They seem to be doing the best. I believe the...
  10. J

    1st Grow 8 weeks into Flower

    This is my first time posting, made it through veg and most of flower but I'm 8 weeks into flowering with 2 blackjack and three bag seed growing under one 1000 watt hps in a 6x6 room. Keeping my water around 6-6.5ph with temps fluctuating from 70-80 F. They've done good so far, I think it's...