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  1. S

    New here plan to stay

    Nice! What'd you end up using? I'm probably gonna go with 6 vero29 C gen7's. How are you liking LED?
  2. S

    New here plan to stay

    Thanks for the welcome you guys!
  3. S

    New here plan to stay

    Oh I suppose I should also say I'm doing an organic soil 1/3 1/3 1/3 compost peat and lava rocks with mofos amendment schedule
  4. S

    New here plan to stay

    Hey everyone. 28 from Oregon I like long walks on the beach and my regular usernames were taken so this was the song I was listening to lol. I'm getting into LED stuff and growmau5 in his old videos always references this place towards LEDs so I figured it couldn't be a bad place to join! I'm...