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  1. M

    Should I be aggressive or play it safe...?

    yeah...none of that is an option for me.....I live in a very small s. american mail order or nothin like that gonna make it here
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    Should I be aggressive or play it safe...?

    That is definitely the most creative solution I have heard yet. hahaha....I think I am gonna try and wait it out. The bugs are not bad right now....just a the site of em makes me nauseous though. I just wish I had a time frame for when Im gonna cut em down. Could be 2 weeks, could be 5....Im not...
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    I cant tell what Im looking at.....

    Really good practical advice here. I appreciate that. I like what you said about harvesting it at different times. I agree this will give me a good perspective on the time frames as well as a variety of smoke. Also that bit about the leaves. I knew that but have been kinda overlooking the simple...
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    Should I be aggressive or play it safe...?

    I like your point here. Im not worried about the toxicity of the above mentioned remedies, I just wasn't sure what it would do to the quality of the buds....I was just working with my girl and it looks like the mites are starting to spread quite a bit. I don't have webs or anything yet. I tried...
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    Should I be aggressive or play it safe...?

    I have some bag seed sativa that is 8 weeks into flower. I am only growing one plant, so normally I just control any insects by wiping them off with my fingers. I get some mites that I am controlling fairly well with this this method. Lately though I am seeing what looks like aphids. They hang...
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    Very Limited Resources For Feeding....Lil Advice Please

    by the way....i've got some kind of equatorial sativa(bagseed)....So I predict at least another 3-5 weeks of flower time. If possible Id like to finish up strong and get a nice yield...hoping some of you guys may know some home remedies to boost this little girl in her final weeks...thanks
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    Very Limited Resources For Feeding....Lil Advice Please

    Hello...I have one plant on my balcony that I am growing. So far looks nice and healthy. Im 9 weeks into flowering and wondering about my feeding regimen. I feed a 14-30-10 every few waterings. few weeks back it looked like I had some N deficiency so I added some worm castings to the...
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    I cant tell what Im looking at.....

    So will there be heads then eventually on the pistils as well, or should I mainly focus on the buds themselves?
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    I cant tell what Im looking at.....

    Thats good advice...I appreciate it...thanks
  10. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Colombian Bag seed sativa...week 9....How much longer do ya think?
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    I cant tell what Im looking at.....

    well, all the photos are on the same plant at the same time. So i suppose i could estimate an average of about 5 weeks more? I figured I had a ways to go still. Another things is that a lot of my trichromes dont even have heads. Well, none of the pistils trich's have heads....alot if the leaves...
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    I cant tell what Im looking at.....

    I have read so much about growing since starting this, my first plant. I have helped friends in the past, so I have basic understanding of what Im doing. But I am confused... I have an equatorial sativa (I live in Colombia ..5 degrees north of equator) It seems like its doing great. Could be...
  13. M

    moving an outdoor plant to my closet EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!!

    I live down close to the equator....5 degrees north actually. But I think thats good advice about continuing to move the plant. Almost there!!! THis is just a bag seed im not sure how long it needs to go...its def a I could be moving this bushy gal for 9 more...
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    moving an outdoor plant to my closet EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!!

    Yeah. This guy was just saying that after they have clearly established their flowers and are budding, that the light cycle is not as important. Sounded a little fishy to me, but I thought I would seek some advice. Moving this plant twice a day for what will be about 15 weeks or so is kinda a...
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    moving an outdoor plant to my closet EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!!

    thats the thing. Light creeps in from outside a bit. Or if I need to see something in my room I have to turn on the light. Thats why this article I read seemed a bit misinformed.
  16. M

    moving an outdoor plant to my closet EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!!

    So I have a plant thats been flowering for about nine weeks now. i've been moving it into my closet every night to get it the 12 hours of darkness it needs. The light cycle where I live is at 12/12 right now anyways. Well I just read an article that said that once buds have developed...
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    Need some advice...Kinda growing in the dark ages

    I appreciate the comments. You know how it is when your first starting out. You worry about every little thing. You want the best results possible. Again, thanks for the advice Ledhed.
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    Need some advice...Kinda growing in the dark ages

    Well, mu situation is this. I live in a small mountain town in Colombia South America. I have what appears to be a Sativa strain growing on the deck of my apartment. I have read that sativas can take up to four months sometimes to finish flowering. I am in week 7 and I have a lot of brown...