Very Limited Resources For Feeding....Lil Advice Please


Hello...I have one plant on my balcony that I am growing. So far looks nice and healthy. Im 9 weeks into flowering and wondering about my feeding regimen. I feed a 14-30-10 every few waterings. few weeks back it looked like I had some N deficiency so I added some worm castings to the soil..cleared up pretty nice.

My question is this? Should I give a more diluted dose of the food I have as I get further along? I know there are more advanced foods out there with less nitrogen and more K that is good at the end of the cycle... I just dont have access to those where I live. Or should I just maintain me regimen as I've been doing until its time to flush?

Thanks for the advice in advance...


by the way....i've got some kind of equatorial sativa(bagseed)....So I predict at least another 3-5 weeks of flower time. If possible Id like to finish up strong and get a nice yield...hoping some of you guys may know some home remedies to boost this little girl in her final weeks...thanks