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  1. bobtokes

    First timer

    looks like your over watering
  2. bobtokes

    All yellow

    if your ph is too high or too low you will lock out nutes, you need to test your ph to find out whats going on
  3. bobtokes

    All yellow

    more info needed like nutes ph temps
  4. bobtokes

    How important is Up-Potting (Indoor Soil Growers)

    roots grow much quicker if you pot up, the pots dry out quicker, so you get more oxygen to the roots
  5. bobtokes

    Is this normal?

    the leaves on that seedling in normal light looks like its had too much nitrogen, leaves dark green and starting to claw, are you feeding them yet ?
  6. bobtokes

    400 watt mh in a 5x5 tent??????

    they will take longer to veg under a 400 so you probably wouldn't save anything
  7. bobtokes

    Help. First grow. plants dieing overnight rapidly!!

    looks like CA and MG def to me
  8. bobtokes

    Please help General question about nutrients

    i would wait another day, a little trick i use is, put your feed say 1.5ltrs into a 3ltr container with a lid on it and shake the fuck out of it to get plenty of oxygen into it, your roots will love it ;)
  9. bobtokes

    Please help General question about nutrients

    sounds more like MG magnesium def to me
  10. bobtokes

    Please help General question about nutrients

    how long does the soil take to dry
  11. bobtokes

    Deficiency? Newbie here and could use some help, 4-finger leaf?

    i would back off the nutes a bit because of the burnt tips, the 4 fingered leaves could be a genetic thing or something went wrong when it germinated, if i crack 20 seeds i usually get at least 1 mutant this is just a saucer to catch the run off its doing no harm
  12. bobtokes

    Deficiency? Newbie here and could use some help, 4-finger leaf?

    you could do with getting a ph meter to ph your feeds/watering at around 6.5 as that could be causing probs the brown tips are caused by nute burn
  13. bobtokes

    Deficiency? Newbie here and could use some help, 4-finger leaf?

    what sort of compost are you using, are you ph ing your water, i take it its growing outside
  14. bobtokes

    Help identify the problem

    looks like it could be bug damage to me, have you checked the under sides of leaves with a loup
  15. bobtokes

    Thinking about marrying a fatty

    they need to grow a pair :D
  16. bobtokes

    Any taught in these leafs?

    fuck me this is hard work, have you got a pic under normal light
  17. bobtokes

    I'm going to become a reader

    keep practicing, and while your at it practice writing a few sentences that other people can understand, so we know what your banging on about
  18. bobtokes

    First time grower please help. Week 2 in flower

    most people use dolamite lime sprinkled on the soil, the sooner the better i would say
  19. bobtokes

    First time grower please help. Week 2 in flower

    looks like your soil is on the acidic side, if its not bugs could be MG def
  20. bobtokes

    First time grower please help. Week 2 in flower

    check on the underside of the leaves with a loup for bugs or eggs, i always feed veg nutes till the end of week 3 until the stretch is over as their still using a lot of N, what are you ph ing at