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  1. bobtokes

    Is coco peat reussble?

    you can reuse coco
  2. bobtokes

    Any taught in these leafs?

    take a pic of the whole plant
  3. bobtokes

    Do I really need nutrients.

    what makes you think by not giving it nutes it will smell less than it would if you gave it nutes ? your dead right tho, you'll starve it to death = no smell lol
  4. bobtokes

    Small bright yellow spots

    if you dont let your ph fluctuate between 5.8- 6.5 you will lock out CA and MG The white stuff on top ot the coco is dried up nutrient solution that has turned to salt, thats what happens to your roots when let your coco dry out too much, they get covered in salt and prevent the uptake of nutrients
  5. bobtokes

    first grow harvest big shout out to riu community

    awesome first grow, well done
  6. bobtokes

    Question about a new problem

    have they finished the stretch ?, if they haven't they still need vegging nutes
  7. bobtokes

    Question about a new problem

    you say you switched to flowering nutes when did you flip um
  8. bobtokes

    Plant issues, could do with some help please!

    just checked the E.C of canna terra vega @5ml a ltr its 1.1, so not that hot, i would give them a full dose and see what happens, your ph is perfect for the uptake of MG and CA, are you making sure your waterings are not shocking the plants too cold, are you letting the pots dry out before...
  9. bobtokes

    Plant issues, could do with some help please!

    there are hardly any nutes in that compost, i would give them a feed, i have never checked the E.C of canna terra vega so i would not go full strength yet, i would use 3ml a litre to start off with, i'm going to check that later its got me curious
  10. bobtokes

    Helmet Head Seedlings, Yellow Cotyledons HELP

    the seed casings will come off them selves, you do more harm than help removing the casings, especially to the roots
  11. bobtokes

    Germinating seeds HELP

    if the seeds haven't cracked you could try, put them between sheets of damp kitchen roll or plain toilet roll then place in a plastic bag so they dont dry out, when the tap root is say 5mm long transplant into unfertilized soil
  12. bobtokes

    Can you over water using coco

    you can over water in coco, if you have a small plant in a big pot that hasn't rooted the pot out properly , it can take days for it to dry out especially when you water till you get run off, i have grown 6oz plants in 11ltr pots and they took 2.5ltrs of water every day, if you let the plant...
  13. bobtokes

    Help Royal cheese seedlings Strange leaves

    robbing bastards its £15 every where else
  14. bobtokes

    Help Royal cheese seedlings Strange leaves

    i was just asking if you were close to a hydro store, i have no store, you need to give um a feed in the next few days, canna A/B is quite cheap, rhyzotonic is expensive, you could use liquid seaweed instead of the rhyzo if cash is short
  15. bobtokes

    2 weeks from harvest... Should I bother

    i would give it just plain water for a couple of waterings, then a light feed, then check the trichs, if it doesn't look close to finishing i would give it a light feed
  16. bobtokes

    Help Royal cheese seedlings Strange leaves

    i grow in coco too, and i use canna A/B, and canna rhyzotonic, cant fault the stuff, got a hydro shop near you if you go with canna nutes dont give them more than 2ml a ltr 0.5ml a ltr for the first few feeds
  17. bobtokes

    Help Royal cheese seedlings Strange leaves

    what ferts do you have
  18. bobtokes

    too big for the pot?

    i would repot, that plant will be well and truely root bound 4 weeks into flowering
  19. bobtokes

    Help Royal cheese seedlings Strange leaves

    Give um a feed you heartless beast
  20. bobtokes

    Epilepsy treatment strains

    got a friend with epilepsy, she says any weed with a couch lock effect works for her